
sī míng
  • scroop;craquant;silk scroop
丝鸣[sī míng]
  1. 2丝鸣鸣音主要取决于F-V及S-S振动,属中低频音,S-C振动对鸣音的影响极小。

    The scrooping sound of silk mainly depends on F-V and S-S vibrations and belongs to lower frequency sound . The effect of S-C vibration is very small .

  2. 丝鸣中粘滑振动的理论分析

    The theoretical analysis about stick & slip vibration of scrooping sound

  3. 制订了相应的工艺措施以提高丝鸣处理效果的耐水洗性能;

    The technology measures making for the increase in washfastness of scrooping effect have been defined .

  4. 丝鸣风格研究

    Study on scrooping style

  5. 阐述了高支高密纯棉织物的丝鸣整理工艺,重点对丝鸣整理半制品的质量要求以及丝鸣原理、仿丝剂等进行探讨,指出生产过程中易出现的问题和注意事项。

    The scrooping finish process of high density fabrics is discussed . The problems which could be often generated in the process and notes for attention are pointed out .