
  • 网络Infrared Film;HIS;infraredfilm
  1. 新一代红外胶片的特点是具有较高的感光度。

    The characteristics of infrared films of a new generation with increased photosensitivity are presented .

  2. 柯达黑白红外胶片经常会愚弄人,因为它对光线及其敏感。

    Kodak B & W Infra Red film is a tricky film to work with as it is so light sensitive .

  3. 本文讨论了利用航空彩色红外胶片对潮间湿地监测和制图的方法和程序。

    By means of the areial infra-red color films , the method and procedures for monitoring and mapping the region are discussed in this paper .

  4. 基于对红外胶片图像特点的分析,通过综合运用邻域平均、边缘检测和投影法等图像处理技术,实现了对胶片弊病的快速、准确识别,并据此算法编制了相应的VC++程序。

    By analyzing the characteristics of infrared images of film , using image-processing techniques including neighborhood averaging , edge detection and projection method , etc. , and compiling the VC + + program film defects are quickly identified .

  5. 采用比值法对1:2000彩红外航空胶片透射密度值进行修正,并与运河水质污染参数进行相关统计分析,提出了水质有机污染参数的最佳影象探测密度,建立了相关模型。

    N the basis of the revision of transmission density value of 1:2000 infrared color aerial film with ratio method and correlation analysis of the Grand Canal water pollution parameters , this paper puts forward the best image detection density and suggests relative models .

  6. 医用红外激光CT胶片的研制

    Research for Making a Medical IR Laser CT Film

  7. 事实上,如果用红外感热胶片(一种可以测量从体内流失的热量的胶片)拍摄一只休息中的北极熊,可能根本看不到它的存在。

    Indeed , if a resting polar bear is photographed with infra-red film - a kind of film which can measure the amount of heat escaping from a body-the polar bear won 't even show up at all .

  8. 本文介绍了对湖泊类水体中天然有机物进行红外摄影遥感的方法,结果表明,彩色红外反转胶片的蓝光密度值与生化耗氧量(BOD)之间存在较高的相关性。

    This paper presents a preliminary test method of remote sensing with infrared photography for natural organic matter in lakes . The results show that there is a good correlation between the blue density of infrared color reversal film and biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) .