
  • 网络Black Glaze
  1. 研究结果表明旬邑窑黑釉与酱色釉也是一种析晶-分相釉,分相形成机理与著名建盏的金、灰、黄兔毫相似。

    The Investigation results show that the black glaze and the brown glaze of Xunyi ware are also one kind of crystallization - phase separation glaze .

  2. 本文以山西平定地区黑釉刻花陶瓷(简称平定刻花瓷)的传承与发展为研究对象。

    This paper taking Shanxi Pingding area black glaze carved ceramic ( referred to as pacification of carved porcelain ) inheritance and development as the research object .

  3. 火花塞瓷件黑釉的研制

    Development on the Black Glaze for Sparking Plug Insulator

  4. 宋代最为流行的饮茶用具莫过于福建建窑所生产的黑釉茶盏。

    The most popular tea utensil in Song Dynasty is the black-glazed teacup of Jian kilns in Fujian Province .

  5. 产自福建的黑釉茶具则成了主流,而紫砂茶具在江苏宜兴出现了。

    Black glazed tea ware from Fujian was dominant , while purple clay tea wares emerged in Yixing , Jiangsu .

  6. 茶的汁水变成黄白色,因此雪白的茶杯便取代了宋代的黑釉茶具。

    The tea liquor turned yellowish white , so snow-white teacups replaced the black-glazed tea ware of the Song Dynasty .

  7. 到了宋代,人们对青瓷或白瓷的偏爱突然转到了黑釉茶杯上。

    The preference for green porcelain or white porcelain was suddenly changed to black glazed teacups in the Song Dynasty .

  8. 其中,唐代的黑釉原料产地非常集中,青釉和白釉原料产地分散;

    The sources of raw materials of the black glazes in Tang dynasty are very concentrated , the green glazes and the white glazes are scattered .

  9. 一个装饰主义风格的三角形晚装手袋应该会引起激烈的竞价,这个手袋非比寻常,表面镀银,外面再覆以黑釉。其估价约为300英镑,可说是物美价廉。

    There should be fierce bidding for a very unusual art deco triangular evening bag in silver metal overlaid in black enamel , a snip at around 300 .

  10. 景德镇湖田窑窑址的南宋、元地层出土了类吉州窑、类建窑以及自具特色的黑釉瓷片。

    Some black glazed porcelain sherds which like Jizhou ware , Jian ware and have their own features were also excavated from Southern Song and Yuan strata of Hutian kiln .

  11. 本文根据火花塞瓷件95氧化铝瓷的特性要求,对黑釉的配方及上釉工艺进行了研究。

    The studies on the composition and glazing technique of the black glaze have been made on the basis of the properties of sparking plug insulator containing 95 % Al2O3 in this paper .

  12. 摘要内容:建窑是宋代南方瓷窑之一,以烧造黑釉器著称,其烧造地点在今福建省建阳水吉镇。

    Constructs the kiln is south Song Dynasty one of porcelain kilns , burns makes the black enamel organ to be famous , its fever makes the place in now Fujian Province Jianyang water Ji Town .

  13. 建窑黑釉茶盏在宋代尤其是北宋中后期的兴起以及盛行一时并非偶然现象,而是与当时的社会人文环境和斗茶文化的发展密不可分。

    The rise and prevalence of the black-glazed teacup from Jian Kiln in mid-late Northern Song Dynasty is not by chance but is separable with the development of the social and humane environment and the culture of contending tea at that time .

  14. 荷吉斯证实了法拉利上的黑漆是丙酸釉。

    Hodges confirmed the paint transfer on the Ferrari is a black acrylic enamel .