
  • 网络black wattle;Acacia mearnsii
  1. 研究了胶原纤维固化黑荆树单宁对V(V)的吸附。

    The Adsorption of V ( V ) on collagen fibre immobilized black wattle tannin was studied under different temperatures and pH values .

  2. 在黑荆树成熟期,P,K对树皮单宁含量和总量有显著的促进作用,而N和Mg则发生抑制作用。

    P and K had the significant promoting function on tannic content and quantum in black wattle mature period , but N and Mg occurred restraining action .

  3. 首先研究了胶原纤维固化黑荆树单宁、固化落叶松单宁和固化杨梅单宁对Cd(II)的吸附特性。

    At first , the adsorption behaviors of Cd ( II ) on collagen fiber immobilized black wattle tannin , larch tannin and bayberry tannin were investigated .

  4. 结果表明:黑荆树强烈积聚微量元素Cu和Zn,N含量达到高量级水平,在化学组成上属于N>Ca>K(Zn,Cu)型树种。

    The results showed that black wattle accumulated microelements Cu and Zn intensively . The content of N in the leaves was near high level . It belongs to the type of N > Ca > K ( Zn , Cu ) in the chemical composition .

  5. 黑荆树树皮量及影响因素的研究

    Studies on the skin quantities of wattle and Its Influencial Factors

  6. 黑荆树营养元素与单宁量的研究

    Study on the Nutrient Elements and Tannic Quantum of Black Wattle

  7. 亚硫酸化荆树皮浸膏GB/T17666-1999黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法

    Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts

  8. 黑荆树单宁抑菌性能及其机理的初步研究

    The Study of Inhibition Effects of Black Wattle Tannin on Microorganisms

  9. 树皮新鲜程度对黑荆树栲胶颜色的影响

    Effects of the bark freshness on the color of Black Wattle Extract

  10. 室外型中密度纤维板用黑荆树单宁胶粘剂的研制

    The Development on the Black Wattle Tannin Adhesive for Exterior Medium Density Fiberboard

  11. 黑荆树花药及花粉的微观形态

    Micro-morphology of the anther and pollen of black wattle

  12. 温州地区黑荆树入侵群落的竞争与动态

    Species competition and dynamics in the communities invaded by Black Wattle in Wenzhou

  13. 几个不同种源的黑荆树在冰冻后叶片细胞超微结构的研究

    Study on The Ultrastructure in Leaf Cells of Several Varieties of Black Wattle after Freezing

  14. 不同育苗容器对黑荆树幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Different Stock-grown Containers on Growth of Black Wattle ( Acacia mearnsii ) Seedling

  15. 利用新鲜树皮能够改善黑荆树栲胶的颜色,树皮越新鲜,生产出来的栲胶颜色越浅。

    The color of the black wattle extract became lighter through using the fresh bark .

  16. 黑荆树丰产栽培技术研究

    High-yielding culture techniques for mearns Acacia

  17. 马尾松速生丰产林不同培育目标的适宜造林密度黑荆树造林密度试验

    Determining Optimum Planting Density of Masson Pine Fast-growing and High yielding Plantations for Various Cultivation Objectives

  18. 澳大利亚的一种树,生产单宁原料。GB/T17666-1999黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法

    Australian tree that yields tanning materials . Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts

  19. GB/T17666-1999黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法外墙外保温用栲胶改性酚醛树脂泡沫的研究

    Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts Study of plant tannin extract modified phenolic foam for exterior wall external insulation

  20. 本文对广西武鸣县黑荆树营养元素的组成特征以及营养元素与单宁相对含量、总量的关系进行了研究。

    In this paper , component characteristics of the nutrient elements of black wattle in Guangxi Wunming and their relation to the tannic content and quantum were studied .

  21. 本文报道了6个不同种源的黑荆树枝条在-5℃冰冻10小时后,其叶片细胞超微结构的变化。

    This paper deals with the change of the ultrastructure of leaf cells from six varieties black wattle which were frozen for ten hours at - 5 ℃ .

  22. 用本法测定了江西4年生和9年生黑荆树树皮丙酮-水(7:3V/V)提取物的分子量分别为1053和1156,分子量分布范围相应为587~1993和630~2284。

    The Mn from black wattle bark of four and nine-years old trees in Jiangxi are 1053 and 1156 respectively , and the MW ranges are 587 ~ 1993 and 630 ~ 2284 .

  23. 论文研究了多种材料对水溶液中钒、铬的吸附情况,初步筛选胶原纤维固化黑荆树单宁、活性炭、榛子壳做进一步研究。

    The adsorption of vanadium and chromium ion on different materials was discussed in this article , and collagen fibre immobilized black wattle tannin , active carbon and hazelnut shell were selected for further study .

  24. 室外级胶合板用黑荆树单宁胶粘剂中国林科院林产化工研究所与澳大利亚林业和林产品研究所合作,进行黑荆树单宁粘合剂制造室外级胶合板的研究。

    The Research Institute of Chemical Processing and Utilization of Forest Products , CAF has been cooperating with Division of Forestry and Forest Products , CSIRO , and carrying out the research of the utilization of black wattle tannin adhesive particularly for exterior grade plywood .