
  • 网络Color difference;off color
  1. 涤纶有色长丝颜色差异成因分析

    Factors analysis on pet DTY color difference

  2. 现实世界所得到的图像,由于种种原因,比如曝光过度或终端设备的颜色差异,所得到的图像往往不能满足人们的需要。

    The images in the real world , due to various reasons , such as excessive exposure or color difference of terminal device , are often unable to meet the needs of people .

  3. 结论:该方法测定的R、G、B数值变化可以比较灵敏地反映舌质、舌苔的颜色差异。

    Conclusion : The colors detected quantitatively by the method described above could comparatively reflect the difference of tongue proper and coating sensitively .

  4. 实际中,各视点之间往往存在颜色差异,降低了MVC视点间预测的准确性。

    The existence of color mismatch between views impairs the performance of the inter-view prediction in MVC .

  5. 为了利用该相关性,通过对多视点视频-深度联合预测编码的研究提出一种单视点视频-深度信息共享机制;实际中的各视点之间往往存在颜色差异,从而降低了MVC视点间预测的准确性。

    Multi-view Video-the depth of the joint predictive coding to take advantage of the correlation of a single-view video-the depth of information sharing mechanism ; The existence of color mismatch between views impairs the performance of the inter-view prediction in MVC .

  6. 该方法的处理时间几乎不受目标复杂度影响,可在30ms内有效分割出320×240分辨率图像中有颜色差异的不同杂草或农作物,对颜色分布波动具有较强的鲁棒性。

    Processing time of this method costs little , no matter how complex of related scenario , with color objects be extracted within 30 ms for images of 320 × 240 resolution , and it 's robust to variation of color or illumination on local weed or crop populations .

  7. 让我们添加更多一点的颜色差异的黑板背景。

    Let 's add a little more color variance to the chalkboard background .

  8. 结果:拔牙前与浸泡后,各组牙色变化均具有显著性差异,并随浸泡时间延长颜色差异增大。

    Results : There were significant differences on teeth color change between pre-extract and preserving in each solution .

  9. 在对裂隙图像提取闭合轮廓线时,根据角膜区域的颜色差异,采用了色彩分割的算法;

    In abstracting the contour , we adopt color segmentation method according to the difference of the corneal zone .

  10. 其他的试纸可能只会产生轻微的颜色差异,有些甚至需要昂贵的仪器读取结果。

    Other paper tests may give only slight color differences , and some rely on expensive equipment to read the results .

  11. YST/CGO1与YST/CGO2的两相颜色差异明显,晶粒完整,晶型清晰。

    The two-phase of YST / CGO1 and YST / CGO2 had an obvious difference in color , the grain was clear .

  12. 杀菌后,护色和未护色的板栗仁颜色差异显著,说明合适的护色剂能抑制高温杀菌后的褐变。

    After sterilization , color-protecting and uncolor-protecting method resulted different color density , suggesting that appropriate browning inhibitors can inhibit the browning after high temperature sterilization .

  13. 能不能告诉我们关于如何对比敌对玩家和自己等级?是能看到对方确切的等级呢,还是以名字上的颜色差异区分?

    Warcry : can you tell us a bit about how you can tell enemy playerslevel compared to yours ? Do you see their actual levels or are TheirNames color coded ?

  14. 作为视频序列的高动态图像获取的直接应用,本文用视频序列标定的响应曲线来校正全景图的颜色差异。

    As the direct application for recovering response function from a video sequence , we use the response curve calibrated above to solve the problem of pixel value differences in panorama .

  15. 根据敏感阵列遇到不同气体的响应图像所呈现的颜色差异设计图像识别算法,将响应图像的特征信息转化为颜色直方图的特征向量。

    Image recognition algorithms have been designed for detection of different odorants according to the different colors of colorimetric array . The feature information of responsive image is transformed into the feature vector of color histogram .

  16. 研究了真丝织物气相转移印花水溶性油墨中增稠剂和助剂对转移率的影响,讨论了12只染料在真丝和涤纶织物上转移印花后颜色差异。

    Examines the effects of thickeners and auxiliaries in hydrosoluble ink for sublimation transfer printing of silk fabrics on transferability , and investigates the colour difference between silk and polyester fabrics after sublimation transfer printing with 12 kinds of dyestuff .

  17. 对所有的算法本文都给出了详细的理论论证,以及图片和数据说明。最后为了更直观的反映出图像之间的颜色差异,开发了基于VC/MFC的多视点视频播放对比软件。

    Detail theory proof , experiment images and data are provided for all of the algorithms in the paper . Finally , to intuitively observe the difference of color between images , a software based on VC / MFC is developed .

  18. 本文设计H型的着陆标识,并利用着陆标识与跑道颜色的差异提取出着陆标识。

    This paper designs landing logo as " H " and extracts it from background by using the difference of bright color between the landing logo and the runway .

  19. 针对目标在多摄像机之间的颜色特征差异问题,使用亮度转移函数(BTF)来消除差异。

    BTF ( Brightness Transfer Function ) is also used to eliminate the color feature differences between multiple cameras .

  20. 从英汉习语中的隐喻之颜色词差异看英汉文化差异

    Chinese and English Culture Difference & On the Color Words in Idioms

  21. 不同品种绵羊羊毛颜色的差异及剪毛时机对毛色的影响

    The difference in the colour of wool between different sheep breeds and the effect of clipping time

  22. 如果他们能感知颜色的差异,那么也许我们也都受颜色不自觉地。

    If they can sense color differences , then perhaps we , too , are affected by color unconsciously .

  23. 因为原材料的特殊性可能导致不同批次之间的颜色略有差异,我们建议不要混合使用不同批次的产品。

    Because of the special nature of raw materials may lead to slightly different color differences between batches , we do not recommend mixing different batches of the product .

  24. 当北极熊在冰面上捕食海豹时,它会用白色的前爪遮住黑色的鼻子,以此避免因为颜色的差异而被发现!

    When stalking seals on the ice , a polar bear was once seen to cover up its black nose with its furry paw so that it could not be seen !

  25. 结果:义齿树脂基托颜色的差异,主要存在于单体含量过低、充填过早、热处理升温过快、出盒温度过高、搅拌不充分组。

    Results The influencing factors of the color difference of denture resin base were lower monomer content , earlier packing time , quick polymerization process , higher cooling temperature and unfit mixing method .

  26. 其主要原理是弹性蛋白酶与显色底物反应之后,可以催化底物转化为显色产物,根据颜色的差异,可以确定化合物是否对酶活性具有抑制作用以及抑制作用的强弱。

    The principle of detecting is that the elastase hydrolysises the synthesized chromogenic substrates and turns them into chromogenic products which can test if the chemical reduces the enzymatic activity by detecting the color change of the spots .

  27. 主要工作和成果如下:首先,根据显微图像中原后生动物个体与背景颜色的差异情况,探讨了两种不同的图像预处理算法,用来改善图像质量,为后续的计数打下基础。

    The main work and achievements are as follows : Due to the color difference between protozoa and background in micrograph , the paper explores two different image preprocessing algorithm to improve image quality and lay the foundation for subsequent counting .

  28. 丝绒剪毛设备与工艺的合理选定,对绒面效果起着决定性的作用。不同品种绵羊羊毛颜色的差异及剪毛时机对毛色的影响

    The reasonable selection of shearing equipment and technology for ( silk ) velvet plays a decisive role in producing a good surface effect . THE DIFFERENCE IN THE COLOUR OF WOOL BETWEEN DIFFERENT SHEEP BREEDS AND THE EFFECT OF CLIPPING TIME

  29. 竞走裁判员应在自己所负责的裁判区域内适当走动,以减弱对不同颜色的CFF差异,获得竞走比赛公允的视觉监视环境;

    The race walking judges should walk properly in their charge area in order to reduce the CFF difference of different colors and get the acceptable visual observation environment .

  30. 论汉英语颜色词文化差异及其文化接触

    On the Cultural Discrepancies of Color Terms between English and Chinese and Their Corresponding Cultural Contacts