
  • 网络Armani;Ah Nee Mah;animus
  1. 他们指称另一名他们认识的绰号名为“老师”(TheMaster)的男子侮辱和抚摸了阿尼玛。

    They allege that a fourth man , whom they know by the nickname ' The Master , ' insulted and groped her .

  2. 警方后来追查到了另外两名嫌犯——明图?萨卡尔(MintuSarkar,与阿尼玛没有亲属关系)和拉祖?比斯瓦斯(RajuBiswas)。

    Police later tracked down two other suspects , Mintu Sarkar ( no relation to Anima ) , and Raju Biswas .

  3. 这些人在采访中称他们在那晚外出购物时遇到了阿尼玛,但否认骚扰和侵犯了她。

    In interviews , they say they were out shopping that night and encountered Ms. Sarkar but deny harassing or assaulting her .

  4. 阿尼玛说,在发生这件事情后,邻居对她的父母说她肯定做了什么不对的事情——从某种角度来说这次袭击是她的错。

    After the incident , Ms. Sarkar says , her neighbors told her parents that she must have done something wrong ─ that somehow the attack was her fault .

  5. 阿尼玛的父亲是一名水果商贩,她们的四口之家依靠每个月大约100美元的收入维持生计。她计划以后去读法学院,但不准备在巴拉萨特读。

    Ms. Sarkar , the daughter of a fruit vendor whose family of four lives on about $ 100 a month , plans to go to law school , but not in Barasat . '