
  • 网络Duke of Alba;Duque de Alba;List of Dukes of Alba;Duchess of Alba
  1. 他们的漫画反击战起从流行的历史漫画开始,主题是荷兰人抗击西班牙王室,而阿尔瓦公爵(DukeofAlva)是他们最喜欢描绘的反面人物。

    Their graphic counter-attack began with popular illustrated histories of their rebellion against the Spanish monarchy - with the Duke of Alva their favourite bogeyman .

  2. 阿尔瓦公爵靠吸食人奶结束了传奇式的恐怖一生;

    The Duke of Alva ends a career of legendary terror by being breast-fed .

  3. 二十年前西班牙的菲利普用武力强占我们葡萄牙,他的士兵和那个魔鬼养的西班牙暴君,阿尔瓦公爵一起,废黜了我们葡萄牙的真正的君主。

    He took my country by force of arms twenty years ago ! His soldiers and that devil-spawned Spaniard tyrant , the Duke of Alva , they crushed our real king .