
  • 网络The China Club
  1. 我想看看葡萄酒是如何融入我们亚洲饮食文化之中的,她说,彼时我和她位于中国会餐馆(ChinaClub)的一个包房里。中国会是一家香港会所,不像一些传统会所那样憋闷。

    I wanted to see how wine fits in to our Asian food culture , she says when I meet her in a private dining room in the China Club , a Hong Kong club that eschews the stuffiness of more traditional establishments .

  2. 他住在中国会酒店,17世纪,这里曾是一座王府。他在这里呆了三天,拍摄一个威士忌酒吧里的半正式派对。

    He spent three days at the China Club hotel , a former 17th-century palace , photographing his version of a black-tie party inside a whisky club .

  3. 关键问题是中国会不会制裁波音(Boeing),那将是一件很大的事。

    The key question is whether China will sanction Boeing , which would be a very big deal .

  4. 那么,中国会不会有一天成为第二个苏联?

    Some day , whether China will be the second USSR ?

  5. 中国会在十年间建立一个空间站。

    China will build up a space station in ten years .

  6. 但归根结底,中国会置身局外。

    But , in the end , China is an outsider .

  7. 对于形成未来的贸易对话,中国会扮演什么样的角色?

    What role will the country play in shaping future trade talks ?

  8. 我猜测在中国会出现同样的情况。

    I guess we 'll see the same in China .

  9. 中国会爆发银行危机吗?

    Will Banking Crisis Burst Out in China ?

  10. 那时候你为什么要参加军事训练呢?在中国会有这样的要求吗?

    Why are you going to military training then ? Is it required in china ?

  11. 这就是为什么今年中国会成为全世界最大的讲英语的国家。

    That 's why this year China will become the world 's largest English speaking country .

  12. 不过,西方研究机构认为,中国会慎重对待她作为世贸组织成员国所必须履行的义务。

    Western Institutes , however , believe China will live up to its WTO commitments with care .

  13. 在我回答这个问题之前,告诉我你认为这在中国会有什么不同吗?

    Before I answer that , tell me how you think this might be different in China ?

  14. 对于亚洲,谁曾想得到印度和中国会成为这么大的消耗国。

    For Asia . , who could have imagined that India and China would become such big consumers ?

  15. 加入世贸组织后,中国会进一步加深与世界一体化经济的融合,因此与跨国并购浪潮的联系会越来越紧密。

    China 's affiliation to WTO will make her deepen the amalgamation of her and the global economic system .

  16. 人们预计中国会夺取相当多的金牌,特别是在网球、体操等项目上。

    China is expected to win quite a few gold medals , especially in table tennis , gymnastics , etc.

  17. 提升人们心目中国会在货币政策方面的影响力,将损及公众和金融市场的信心。

    Increasing the perceived influence of Congress on monetary policy would undermine the confidence of the public and financial markets .

  18. 额,中国会吸引更多外商投资,中国的制造商在国际市场上将变得更有竞争力。

    Well , China will attract more foreign investment and Chinese producers will become more competitive in the world market .

  19. 这方面的主要风险是,中国会像2010年下半年那样显著放松政策。

    The main risk on this front is a significant policy loosening as happened in the second half of 2010 .

  20. 摩根索还是担心:中国会和英国达成类似的交易,作为交换,把法币与英镑挂钩。

    Morgenthau remained concerned that China would do a similar deal with Britain in return for a yuan link with sterling .

  21. 但是他明确指出中国会非常谨慎,并未暗示近期将会突然退出。

    But he made it quite clear that China would be cautious and gave no hint that sudden exit was imminent .

  22. 我希望中国会有更多的人喜欢棒球,而棒球大联盟有助于这项运动的发展。

    I hope that baseball interest will spread in China , and Major League Baseball is encouraging development of the sport .

  23. 目前的一个关键问题是,在与美国双边关系日益恶化的情况下,今年中国会如何行事?

    A key issue now is how China will act in 2010 in light of the deteriorating bilateral relationship with the US .

  24. 他在北京对记者说,他不担心中国会出现通货膨胀,并且同意,中国应该继续实行刺激经济的政策。

    He told reporters in Beijing he is not worried about inflation in China , and agrees China should stay the course with its stimulus policies .

  25. 1997年香港回归时,许多香港本土的评论家都担心中国会宰掉这只“金鹅”。

    At the time that Hong Kong was being handed back to China in 1997 , many local pundits worried that China would slay the golden goose .

  26. 永乐皇帝是个雄心勃勃的皇帝,他相信通过国际贸易及外交上的“门户开放”政策,中国会在世界上享有更高的声望。

    Yong Le was an ambitious emperor who believed that China 's greatness would be increased with an " open-door " policy regarding international trade and diplomacy .

  27. 第二章主要阐述美国在对华经济和军事援助、1948年援华法、驻华军事顾问团中国会的作用以及国会如何为这些援助提供法理支持。

    Chapter II focuses on the functions of Congress in U.S. military and economic assistances to China , China Assistance Act of 1948 , and U.S. Military Advisory Delegation to China .

  28. 日本达到技术前沿时经济规模远远小于美国,与日本不同,中国会有很多机会去享受其追赶的经济增长带来的好处。

    That gives it plenty of scope to enjoy catch-up growth , unlike Japan 's economy , which was still far smaller than America 's when it reached the technological frontier .

  29. 在取得了国内生产总值9%的增长率,成功举办了奥运会,执行首次太空漫步后,你可能会认为中国会很高兴。

    AFTER achieving a9 percent GDP growth , hosting a successful Olympic Games and carrying out its first space walk last year , you ' 'd think China would be happy .

  30. 由于欧洲禁止为运输伊朗原油的油轮投保,韩国本月停止购买伊朗原油,日本和中国会延期至8月份再购买伊朗原油。

    South Korea stopped buying this month and Japan and China delayed buying fresh cargoes until August due to the impact of a European ban on insurance for oil tankers transporting Iranian crude .