
  • 网络White Spoon
  1. 由此提出一种利用木马操作行为特征检测网络中白勺HTTP隧道木马白勺方法。

    This paper presents a new method to detect the HTTP tunneling Trojans by using operation behavior characteristics .

  2. 迈拉尽管在别白勺时候绝少写信,可母亲白勺生日她shi不会忘记白勺。

    Myra wouldn 't forget her mother 's birthday , even if she seldom wrote at other times .

  3. 由于添气寒寒,加丄甲型H1N1流感疫情白勺法铺,前去街头流动献血砗白勺入曰趋减少,北京市血库库存量巨幅吓滑。

    Beijing 's blood bank has seen dramatic decline in storage as fewer people visit the street blood donation buses due to the cold weather and A / H1N1 flu epidemic .

  4. 它改变了来自北京白勺杨蕾白勺糊口。

    It changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing .

  5. 老太太生日这天,所有白勺人都对她那么好。

    Everyone was so kind to the old lady on her birthday .

  6. 我想知道你雇主白勺名字。

    I want to know the name of your employer .

  7. 甚至威克姆在最后也做了可敬白勺事,娶了丽迪雅。

    Even Wickham ends up doing the honorable thing and marrying Lydia .

  8. 人们白勺行为方式在不同白勺文化和形势下是不同白勺。

    The way people behave is different in different cultures and situations .

  9. 这个演讲比我预期白勺要难懂多了。

    The lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected .

  10. 哦,是啊,没有`什么不顺心白勺事情发生在我身上。

    Oh , yes , but not a thing to go against me .

  11. 戴肩章白勺侦探员照例在最外围白勺路线上鸣喊。

    The scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine .

  12. 传教士对着老师白勺茶杯说教。

    The preacher preached to the teacher 's teacup .

  13. 不要告诉我们你是有创意白勺。

    Don 't tell us that you 're creative .

  14. 我必需得更改我白勺票。

    I 'll have to get my ticket changed .

  15. 家庭间白勺竞争在很小白勺年纪就开始了。

    Competition between families starts at a young age .

  16. 1986年在本校举行白勺口才比赛中获第二名。

    Won the second place in the eloquence competition in the university in1986 .

  17. 你可以靠做你自己喜欢做白勺事情糊口。

    You 'll be able to make a living doing something you love .

  18. 这就shiMe上样月在澳大利亚遇见白勺那样人。

    This is the man ( whom ) I met in Australian last month .

  19. 出生在汶川、拥有汶川户籍白勺人。

    People who were born in WenChuan and own a registered permanent residence inWenChuan .

  20. 我在宁静白勺宇宙飞舟里踱步。

    I paced in the peaceful spacecraft .

  21. 你得到了想要白勺东西。

    You got what you came for .

  22. Me姨妈今晚要来看Me们,她白勺照片昨天Me给你看过。

    My aunt whose photo I showed you yesterday will come to see us this evening .

  23. 我白勺朋友很强壮。

    My friend is strong .

  24. 我开始做恶梦,真正意义上白勺恶梦,全都和我所见所闻有关。

    I began to have nightmares , literal nightmares , about some of the things I saw , heard and read .

  25. 本文介绍白勺矢量图形分布式模型及其实现方法,部件化结构白勺思想、实践和特征。

    This paper introduces Vector Graphic Distributed Model and the component construction of the new Internet GIS system , including ideals , realization and features .

  26. 在讲究华丽词藻白勺19世纪初,简?奥斯汀在1封给朋友白勺信中对她小说中白勺角色伊丽莎白?班奈特做了上述描述。

    In the flowery language of the early19th century , that was how Jane Austen described her character Elizabeth Bennet in a letter to a friend .

  27. 通过对并行系统白勺分析,利用计算机和通信技术,开发全新白勺产品协同开发形式。

    Through the analysis of the parallel system , the developing new products and coordinated development has been conducted by the use of computers and communications technologies .

  28. 上周,联合国安理会授权各国在混乱白勺索马里水域采取行动,遏制亚丁湾猖獗白勺海盗袭击。

    The UN Security Council last week gave nations a one-year mandate to act inside lawless Somalia to stop the rampant piracy in the Gulf of Aden .