
bái ɡěi
  • by free;gift;give free of charge
  1. 这套西服只卖80元,跟白给差不多了。

    This suit is a steal at $ 80 .

  2. 24.跟白给的一样便宜beasteal/beforasong这部车他只花了300美元,跟白拣的一样。

    He spent only 300 dollars in the car , which was simply a steal .

  3. chipper活泼的alongwayoff在未来时间上还早atthedropofahat立即地,不假思索的agive-away免费的,白给的

    cheerful and energetic in the distant future , not something we have to plan now without much reason , sudden something for free

  4. 他的顺服白给了我我缺失的。

    His obedience is credited for the lack of mine .

  5. 我的厂子是国家财产,凭什么白给你几百万。

    My yard is state property and white what you several million dollars .

  6. 那个价钱,纯粹是白给!

    At that price it 's an absolute gift !

  7. 从大企业那儿我们学到了“没有免费的午餐”,意思是没有什么是白给的。

    From big business we have There 's no such thing as a free lunch , meaning nothing is free .

  8. 最新调查显示,大多数英国人在接受出于善意的诚恳馈赠时,经常满腹狐疑,甚至白给现金都不要。

    The majority of Brits were so cynical when it came to accepting a genuine offer of goodwill that they turned down free money , research has revealed .

  9. 尽管1862年颁布的宅地法已不在生效,但是免费白给的土地仍在广柔的土地上出现(通常是照字面理解的广柔的土地)。

    The Homestead Act of1862 is no longer in effect , but free land is still available out there in the great wide open ( often literally in the great wide open ) .