
bái píng héng
  • white balance;colour balance
白平衡[bái píng héng]
  1. LED全彩色显示屏的白平衡和色均匀问题

    White Balance and Color Uniform of Full Color LED Display Screen

  2. 该系统可以测量液晶电视的可视角、亮度、对比度、亮度均匀性、白平衡(GAMMA曲线)等光学参数。

    The system can measure view angle , brightness , contrast , uniformity of brightness , white balance and GAMMA curve .

  3. 值得一提的是,该显示屏采用了苹果称为TrueTone的技术,可自动调节显示屏的白平衡,以便与你周遭的光线相匹配。

    In particular , the screen uses a technology Apple calls True Tone , which automatically adjusts the display 's white balance to match the lighting in your surroundings .

  4. 介绍全彩LED显示屏的全套配光方案,包括投产晶片的K-因素管理、封装工艺、白平衡设计以及LED光学透镜的设计等。

    This article introduces the whole optical match scheme for full color LED display , including dice K-factor control , LED packaging technics , white balance and the optical design of model cup ( LED lens ) .

  5. 标定结果同时表明,CCD摄像头的白平衡设置对双色法测温影响很大,因此在实际应用过程中应当选择合适的白平衡。

    Calibration results also shows that the setting of white balance of CCD affects the measurement of temperature used by double-color method , so the proper white balance of CCD should be selected .

  6. 不幸的是在我们其他一些测试中,NexusS表现的并不是很好,特别是在颜色追踪,白平衡饱和度上。

    Unfortunately the Nexus S failed in most of our other tests , especially color tracking , white-level saturation , and false contouring .

  7. 本文阐述了针对单片CMOS图像传感器中数字预处理电路自动白平衡算法模块(AWB)的设计与实现。

    In this paper , the design and implement of CMOS graphic sensor digital pre-disposing circuit 's AWB module are achieved .

  8. 这门课同样适合那些懂得ISO感光度、光圈、快门速度、白平衡等摄影知识并能用自己的数码单反或桥式相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO , aperture , shutter speed , white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera .

  9. BC-1型白平衡仪的原理与实践

    Theory and Practice of Model BC 1 White balance Tester

  10. 实验结果表明,在整个灰度区间,PDP的白平衡平均从0.021改善到0.0025,并且分布在较小的色温区间。

    The experiment results show that average white color balance in all gray scale regions is improved from 0.021 to 0.0025 and distributes in a narrow range of color temperature .

  11. 利用合理的任务调度机制用两块CPU实现了系统通讯、伺服处理、图像跟踪、电子稳像、自动调光、自动调焦、自动白平衡、图像增强、定位引导等平台功能。

    Make use of reasonable task schedule mechanism and two pieces of CPU to achieve system communication 、 servo processing 、 image tracking 、 electronic image stabilization 、 auto dimming 、 auto focus 、 auto white balance 、 image enhancement 、 image guided etc. function .

  12. 介绍了LED全彩显示屏基于最主要部件-LED的全套配光方案,包括投产晶片的K-factor管理、封装工艺的控制、白平衡的调节以及LED光学透镜的设计,代表着业界先进的配光解决理念。

    This article introduces the whole optical configuration for full color display , including dice K-factor control , LED packaging techniques , white balance and the design of LED lens . It is the most advanced optical match theory in LED display field .

  13. 为提高彩色等离子体显示器(PDP)的性能,研究了维持期辅助脉冲对PDP的亮度、亮度效能、功耗、白平衡、色温等参数的影响。

    Influence of different auxiliary pulses on properties of the color plasma display panel ( PDP ), including its luminance , its luminance efficiency , its power , its white color balance , and its color temperature , was studied .

  14. 第四章分别介绍液晶电视机白平衡调整系统中三个主要构成硬件彩色分析板,亮暗场信号发生器,I~2C总线接口板或RS232串口。

    Finally putting forward the framework of LCD TV white balance measurement & adjusting system . The forth chapter introduces signal generator , color analyzer board ( colour analyzer CA-210 ), and I ~ 2 C bus interface ( RS232 serial port ) .

  15. 一种基于灰度世界模型自动白平衡方法

    A Method of Automatic White Balance Based on Grey World Model

  16. 基于虚拟仪器技术的彩电白平衡测试系统

    The color TV white balance test system based on virtual instrument technique

  17. 摄象机与接收机的白平衡调整

    White balance adjustment in video camara and colour television receiver

  18. 本文提出了一种基于先验知识的自动白平衡方法。

    A new algorithm for automatic white balance is presented .

  19. 不需要彩色空间转换的人脸肤色的自动白平衡方法

    Efficient automatic white balance techniques of face-color for bypassing color coordinate transformations

  20. 辅助脉冲数调制改善彩色等离子体显示器的白平衡

    Improving white color balance by auxiliary pulse number modulation in color PDP

  21. 彩色电视机白平衡及其调整

    White Balance in Colour Television Receivers and its Adjusment

  22. 在此基础上对自动白平衡和闪烁减弱技术做了详细的讨论,并分别提出了新的解决方法。

    We pay more attention on the automatic white balance and flicker reduction .

  23. 自适应的数码相机自动白平衡算法

    Adaptive Algorithm of Auto White Balance for Digital Camera

  24. 在线式彩电白平衡测试仪的研制

    The Designation of On - line White - balance Tester for Color TV

  25. 图像自然清晰亮丽,电子快门,白平衡。

    Natural , clear and bright image ; Electronic shutter , white balance .

  26. 修正了使用外闪时白平衡出错的问题。

    Fixes the phenomenon of incorrect white balance when using an external flash .

  27. 一种新型白平衡仪的研究

    Research on a New Type of White Balance Meter

  28. 彩色摄像机的白平衡调整

    The adjustment of white color balance of color Video-Cameras

  29. 某些相机,也可以手动调整白平衡。

    Certain cameras will also allow you to manually adjust the white balance .

  30. 图像信号处理器中自动白平衡的算法研究

    Algorithm research of auto white balance in hardware-based ISP