
  • 网络Instinct Theory
  1. Pinker提出了语言本能说,反对语言是文化产物的传统观点,主张语言是一个进化而来的天赋模块。

    Pinker proposes the theory of Language Instinct and claims that language is a innate module deriving from evolution .

  2. 罗根:我是凭本能说出来的,他也是因为同样的理由才说了这句台词。

    ROGEN It was my instinct not to say it , for the exact reason that he did say it .

  3. 甚至连一些他们的孙辈也会本能地这么说。

    Even some of their grandchildren will articulate this instinctive reflex .

  4. 它应该变成你的第二本能,伯克里说。

    It should be second nature to you , Berkery says .

  5. 本能向他说:“快逃!”

    Instinct said to him ," Flee !"

  6. “意识流文学性本能规定”说是一个虚假命题。

    The " sexual instinct determinism in the stream of consciousness " is a false proposition .

  7. 那是自然的本能-你们在说什么?

    Okay , what would you do if I did this ?

  8. 这个成功使埃里克森得出一个结论,即记忆这个行为与其说是本能的,不如说是一种认知练习。

    This success led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one .

  9. 我本能地对他说:先生,请您先喝一口茶吧,我不赶时间。

    On an instinct I told him , Sir , you please have your tea , I am not in a hurry .