
  • 网络subjective norm;subject norm
  1. 在校学生模型中态度、主观规范及感知到的行为控制是持续购买意向的显著影响因素。

    In the student model , attitudes , subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are all significant predict factors .

  2. 网上购物消费者持续购买信念对态度、主观规范及感知到的行为控制影响模型拟合较好。

    The model of consumers ' continued online shopping beliefs affect attitudes , subjective norms and perceived behavioral control is well fitted .

  3. 但随经历的增加,命令性主观规范对行为意向的预测能力越来越小,预测作用变得不显著(p<0.1)。

    With the increasing of experience , the predicting ability of the injunctive norms on intention is reducing .

  4. 分析结果显示,领导支持、ERP培训和相容性是影响员工对ERP系统的有用认知和易用认知的重要因素,主观规范对ERP使用意图的影响是显著的。

    The results of this study indicate that leader 's support , training and compatibility do influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of using ERP system , and subjective norm has positive relationship to the behavioral intention of using ERP .

  5. 与施救意愿具有相关性的变量为:实施CPR经历、CPR学习培训经历、是否有心脏性猝死家属以及态度、主观规范、感知行为控制。

    Variables have the intention to rescue the correlation is : the experience to performed CPR , training learning experience , whether the families has risk of sudden cardiac death and attitude , subjective norm , perceived behavioral control .

  6. 总体来说,本文的贡献体现为以下几个方面(1)本研究首次将态度构成和主观规范的构成结合起来,对TRA理论进行深化并且在品牌购买领域中进行实证。

    As a whole , the contributions of this article are following : ( 1 ) this paper combines the construct of attitude and the construct of subjective norm firstly , and test hypotheses in brand purchase field .

  7. 将统计所得数据代入LISREL软件求解态度结构方程,分别建立态度结构关系模型、主观规范结构关系模型、认知行为控制结构关系模型、攻击性驾驶行为意图结构关系模型,并进行了各模型可靠性分析。

    Collected the statistics into LISREL for solving attitude structural equation and established the relation mold of attitude structure , subject norm structure , cognitive behavior control structure and behavior intention structure of aggressive driving behavior separately , and analyzed the reliability among these mold .

  8. 其次则为驾驶态度,而驾驶主观规范影响力最小。

    Secondly is driving attitude , subject norm had the smallest effect .

  9. 行为信念在预测防护行为方面比主观规范更加重要。

    Belief was relatively more important in predicting the preventive behavior than subjective norm .

  10. 主观规范通过用户的使用态度间接的对用户的使用意向产生影响。

    Subjective norm makes indirect impact on usage Intention through using attitude . 3 .

  11. 而同时由分析结果得知,主观规范对此行为没有显著影响。

    The statistical analysis also showed that subjective norm was not a significant influencing factor .

  12. 个体行为因素从个体知识共享的态度、个体知识共享的主观规范和个体知识共享的自我效能进行讨论。

    Individual behavioral factors are made up of behavioral attitude , subjective norm and self-efficiency .

  13. 一级影响因素为主观规范、报酬预期、组织环境和知觉行为控制。

    The first structure consists of subjective standard , reward expectation , organization environment and conscious behavior control .

  14. 重点进行攻击性驾驶行为态度、驾驶主观规范,驾驶认知行为问卷项目设计。

    The emphases of questionnaire are attitude of aggressive driving behavior , subject norm , driving cognitive behavior .

  15. 总体上来看,随着消费者经历的增加,命令性主观规范对行为意向的作用减弱。

    As a whole , with the increasing of experience , the effect of subjective on intention is reducing .

  16. 影响网上购物个人采纳意向的因素为感知有用性、主观规范、感知娱乐以及网络经验。

    The influence factors of online shopping personal adoption are perceived usefulness , subjective norm , perceived entertainment and web experience ;

  17. 总体而言,农户的耕地保护行为意愿受到行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制和道德责任的影响。

    The willingness of farmers land protection is affected by attitude of behavior , subjective norm , and perceived behavior control .

  18. 态度、主观规范和感知的行为控制同时是两类服务采纳意向的决定性因素。

    Attitude , subjective norm and perceived behavior control are decisive factors of adoption intention in both mobile entertainment and mobile information contexts .

  19. 对于不同性别、不同经验的消费者都验证了这一理论;(3)主观规范对行为意向存在直接(或间接)的正影响作用。

    The conclusion is proper to all consumers . ( 3 ) Subjective morm has a direct or indirect effect on behavior intention .

  20. 同时还发现,主观规范对移动广告的使用意向不仅有直接影响,还通过用户的移动广告态度有间接影响。

    Subjective norms are found not only has a direct effect on consumer behavioral intention , but also have an indirect effect through consumer attitudes .

  21. 对低科技准备性群体来说,主观规范、个性化定制、可获得性以及相容性对效用价值和娱乐价值皆具有积极的影响作用。

    To the low technology readiness group , subjective norm 、 personal customization 、 obtainable and compatibility have positive impacts on both utilitarian and hedonic value .

  22. 问卷分为策略、态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制等9个维度,共包括56个问项。

    The questionnaire includes nine dimensions ( strategy , attitude , subject norm , perceived behavior , etc. ) . The nine dimensions conclude fifty-six question items .

  23. 受到文献启发,本文将博弈部分得到的框架因素按理性行为理论进行整合,划为主观规范、行为态度两类。

    Inspired by the literatures , this article integrates the framework factors by means of the Reasoned Action theory , classified as subjective norms and attitude of action .

  24. 例如,将主观规范划分为描述性规范和命令性规范;将态度划分为认知和情感维度等等。

    For example , the attitude has been divided into cognitive attitude and affective attitude , the subjective norm has been divided into injunctive norm and descriptive norm .

  25. 在基于计划行为理论的研究部分,同网络游戏用户满意度共同影响行为意愿的感知行为控制和主观规范分别与期望中的口碑和感知中的价格水平存在相关性。

    Based on the studies of planning behavior analysis , online game customer satisfaction and perception behavior control , respectively , correlate with expected word-of-mouth and perceptive pricing .

  26. 研究结果也证实了使用经历对主观规范、态度、品牌承诺与行为意向之间关系的调节作用。

    The result also proves the moderate effect of purchase experience on the relationship between attitude and intention , subjective norm and intention , brand commitment and intention .

  27. 而计算机自我效能、感知风险、主观规范和法律支持四个影响因素在本研究中并没有得到验证。

    The influence of four factors that computer self-efficacy , subjective norm , perceived risk , legal support on internet banking adoption were not confirmed in the paper .

  28. 此外,研究发现人口统计变量在消费者的低碳态度、主观规范和感知个体效力上的影响差异性较大。

    Besides , the study indicates that there is large deviation of demographic variable in terms of consumers ' low-carbon attitude , subjective norm and perception of individual effect .

  29. 将各变量对使用意愿的总效应从大到小排列,分别为使用态度、主观规范、感知媒体融合性、感知易用性、感知有用性和感知娱乐性。

    In Descending order of the total effect toward to the intention , they are attitude , subjective norm , Perceived media convergence , PE , PU and Perceived playfulness .

  30. 影响该人群行为意向的最主要因素是行为态度,而主观规范和知觉行为控制对于行为意向的影响不显著。

    Behavior attitude is the most important factor influencing the behavior intention . The affect of the subjective norm , perceived behavior control to the behavior intention was not significant .