
  • 网络main controller;Master;master controller;host controller;MCU
  1. 嵌入式Linux下高速USB主控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of High-speed USB Host Controller in Embedded Linux

  2. 嵌入式Linux下USB主控制器驱动的研究

    The Research of USB Host Controller Driver in Embedded Linux

  3. 应用程序控制器(Applicationcontroller):应用程序控制器是您的主控制器servlet。

    Application controller : The application controller is your main controller servlet .

  4. 基于ARM的宾馆客房主控制器与门禁模块的设计

    Design of Hotel Room Main Controller and Access Control Module Based on ARM

  5. 主控制器采用常规的PI调节器来实现系统的控制,因而易于参数整定。

    PI controller is adopted and it is easy to adjust .

  6. USB主控制器的嵌入式应用越来越广泛。

    USB host controller is being used widely in the embedded system .

  7. 主控制器和关节控制器之间采用USB通信。

    And ARM9 communicates with joint controller by USB .

  8. 嵌入式系统中USB主控制器驱动程序的设计

    Design of USB Host Controller Driver in Embedded Systems

  9. FPGA(现场可编程逻辑门阵列)用做高速数据采集系统的主控制器具有单片机、DSP等通用CPU所不具备的特点:并行执行、速度快、低功耗等。

    FPGA has the characteristics of parallel executing , high speed , low consumption , etc.

  10. 系统采用主从式结构设计方法,运用DSP作为主控制器,单片机作为分控制器,实现了对锂离子电池化成检测过程的单点独立控制、能量回收、实时管理监控等功能。

    It is used for monitoring and controlling the timely process of Li-Ion battery formation and testing .

  11. 接收器部分由主控制器、无线通讯和USB通讯等部分组成。

    The receiver section by the main controller , wireless communication and USB communication components .

  12. 本文完成了USB设备控制器和主控制器的设计和实现。

    In conclusion , this paper realized the USB device controller and USB host controller .

  13. 主控制器通过两个移位寄存器来控制LED灯、数码管、蜂鸣器实现本地显示与报警。

    Main controller use two shift register to control LED lights , digital tubes , buzzer realize local display and alarm .

  14. 本系统由CONFIDENT定位系统、GPS定位系统和主控制器系统组成。

    This system is composed of GPS orientation system and CONFIDENT orientation system and main controller system .

  15. USB嵌入式主控制器设计

    Design embedded USB host controller

  16. 由于FPGA具有良好的灵活性、开发简易性,故控制器采用FPGA作为主控制器。

    Since FPGAs have good flexibility , ease of development , so a FPGA is used as the main controller .

  17. 在收集相关资料的基础上,确定了采用DSP作为主控制器的系统设计方案。

    On the basis of collect the relevant information , it identifies the system design which use DSP as the main controller .

  18. 它与主控制器之间只需要3根或4根线接口,LCD驱动时钟从系统时钟内产生,一般为256KHZ。

    Only three or four lines are required for the interface between the host controller and the IC .

  19. 本文研究了USB主控制器协议,并分析了USB技术应用于智能仪表的技术可行性。

    The protocol of USB Host Controller is analysed and the application of USB technique to intelligent instruments are introduced .

  20. 当USB设备从连接到USB主控制器的USB集线器上移除后,这个情况就可能出现。

    This typically occurs when devices are removed from a nested USB hub that is attached to the host controller .

  21. 为达到数据交换速度要求,该平台采用PCIExpress总线与主控制器进行数据交换,为加速数据传输,采用了DMA传输的方式。

    The PCI Express bus and DMA is used in order to meet the speed requirement of data exchange .

  22. 但目前国内研制的绝大多数变量施肥机都是采用单片机或PLC作为主控制器,其不能提供友好的用户交互界面。

    Most domestic VRF applicators currently used MCU or PLC as their core controller , so they could not provide a friendly user interface .

  23. 通过对主控制器PLC的单元结构和工作原理的介绍,结合系统的控制功能与要求,对系统的硬件总体结构进行了设计。

    Through introducing cell configuration and work principle of PLC , the design of systemic hardware framework is completed according to desired control function .

  24. 介绍可编程控制器(PLC)应用于车床数控系统需要解决的问题,提出PLC用作数控机床主控制器的控制原理;

    Aiming at Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) as main controller of numerical control lathe , the article introduces some needed resolving problems .

  25. 其主要包括以ARM处理器为核心的系统主控制器、能够精确实现速度直流电机控制器、智能巡线仪的设计。

    It includes the ARM processor as the core of the system controller , velocity controller dc motor , intelligent line patrol instrument design .

  26. 一种HVDC非线性主控制器的设计

    Design of HVDC nonlinear main controller

  27. 介绍了系统PLC主控制器I/O端口设计,系统硬件组成和系统软件中主程序及自动加工子程序设计;

    The I / O design of PLC controller , the hardware configuration and the main routine and auto-machining subroutine of software program are presented .

  28. 针对爬行式智能弧焊机器人的控制,提出了一种由PLC作为主控制器的控制方法。

    To control the mobile welding robot , we put forward a method in this paper , in which PLC acts as a main controller .

  29. 根据主从原理.带钢自动化功能计算机受控于主控制器PLC(SS-155U),所有使能信号,逻辑和顺序指令,参考值和运行信号均由PLC发出。

    According to the master-slave principle , All enabling , commands , reference values and operation signals are sent from the master sequence controller PLC .

  30. 协处理器FPGA与主控制器ARM的连接,即双字节串行异步通讯收发器的实现。

    The connection between the coprocessor ( FPGA ) and the main controller ( ARM ): That is the realization of double-bytes serial asynchronous transceiver .