
  • Triangle;audio-technica;The Iron Triangle
  1. 因此,在Jim看来,敏捷团队应该将关注点放在可发布的产品上,而不是被传统铁三角限制住。

    Thus , according to Jim , Agile teams should focus on the releasable product rather than getting constrained by the iron triangle .

  2. 以往的软件开发团队都被认为受到软件“铁三角”的限制。

    Traditional software development teams are supposed to work within the confines of the software'Iron triangle ' .

  3. 在某种程度上,所向披靡的铁三角注定要以解散收场。

    The parting of the invincible trio , to some extent , is predestined .

  4. 没人知道我们是怎么成为朋友的,老板说我们是“铁三角”!

    Nobody understands how we are good friends and the boss calls us'the triplets ' !

  5. 传统铁三角的三个顶点转变为“敏捷三角形”的一个顶点,被称为约束。

    The three vertices of the iron triangle collapse into one vertex of the Agile triangle called constraints .

  6. 你可以挂在你脖子与包括铁三角耳机,或让它从您的钱包或其他时尚配饰吊着。

    You can hang it from your neck with the included Audio-Technica earphones or let it dangle from your purse or other fashion accessory .

  7. 成立于1962年,铁三角是一家致力于设计,生产,市场推广以及声响设备问题解决的全球集团。

    Established in1962 , Audio-Technica is a worldwide group of companies devoted to the design , manufacture , marketing and distribution of problem-solving audio equipment .

  8. 拥有自己的域名,你还是你的姓名,“地理城市”,“在所涉”或“铁三角”?

    Do you own your own domain name , or does yours contain the names , " Geocities ", " Angelfire " or " Tripod "?

  9. 在此基础上指出融资平台举债中的铁三角是中央政府、地方政府和商业银行。

    On this basis , we point out that " iron triangle " of debt financing platform are central government , local government and commercial banks .

  10. 轻消费者、重大型制造商是日本战后的发展模式,由工业家、政客和官僚组成的铁三角打上了清晰的烙印。

    The neglect of consumers in favour of big manufacturers has been a postwar pattern , imprinted by the iron triangle of industrialists , politicians and bureaucrats .

  11. 铁三角的麦克风以及无线系统也被大型音乐媒体所采用,诸如格莱美奖项以及摇滚名人堂聚众仪式。

    Audio-Technica microphones and wireless systems are also selected for major broadcast music events , including the GRAMMYR Awards and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremonies .

  12. 乔治,安德鲁-罗伯森和史蒂文-亚当斯都拥有非常优秀的单防和协防能力,他们三人组成的防守铁三角应该可以最小化安东尼和威斯布鲁克在防守端的劣势。

    The combination of George , Andre Roberson , and Steven Adams is , in terms of ability , close to ideal for putting a defensive bubble around Anthony and Westbrook .

  13. 大豆、豆粕和豆油之间的价格具有非常强的联动性,被业内人士称为铁三角关系。

    The relationship of the price between soybean , soybean meal and soybean oil is compared to iron triangle by people of this field , because their price fluctuations have high correlations .

  14. 软件项目很少能够做好计划,作为结果,我们最常见的就是在范围、费用和时间的铁三角中平衡。

    Software projects rarely do as well as planned and , as a result , far too often we have to visit our iron triangle of scope , cost , and time .

  15. 这一选举结果打破了日本战后建立的著名的铁三角之一角。铁三角中,自民党、官僚机构和日本企业之间构成了紧密的三边合作关系。

    The result tore off one corner of the famous iron triangle established in the post-war era , which featured a close and co-operative three-way relationship between the LDP , the bureaucracy and Japanese business .

  16. 一方面,人们告诉他们要敏捷、灵活、学会自我调整,另一方面,人们又告诉他们要遵从原有的传统铁三角框架,即范围、成本和日程。

    On one hand they are told to be agile , flexible , and adaptable , but on the other they are told to conform to pre-planned traditional Iron Triangle framework of scope , schedule , and cost .

  17. 网上有很多不错的耳机,但似乎铁三角ATH-m50这款特别火。在看了它所有的详情和评价之后,我坚信自己不用费神再找了,就买它了。

    I found a lot of good contenders , but it seemed like the entire internet was enamored with the Audio Technica ATH-M50 , and everything I read led me to believe I didn 't need to look any further .

  18. 扁铁及三角铁切割机

    D angle iron cutting machine

  19. 大亚湾颗粒有机物生化组成研究铁对三角褐指藻生长、光合作用及生化组成的影响

    The effects of iron on growth , photosynthesis and biochemical composition of a marine algae Phaeodactylum tricornutum