
  • 网络IronForge
  1. 冰霜巨魔对铁炉堡的矮人有着特别的仇恨,因为他们相信是这些矮人在早期将他们赶出了他们自己的领土。

    They have a particular hatred for Ironforge dwarves , who they believe drove them out of their lands in ages past .

  2. 开始前几天,附近友好的地精会来到铁炉堡和奥格瑞马,通知钓鱼爱好者参加盛会,并给出活动说明。

    Early in the day , friendly neighborhood goblins will visit Ironforge and Orgrimmar to inform aspiring anglers of the grand tournament and give instructions .

  3. 蛮锤矮人担忧王座将被流着一半黑铁之血的矮人所占据,因而也向铁炉堡汇聚。

    Wildhammers also converge on the city fearing a half dark iron on the throne .

  4. 铁炉堡拥有联盟唯一的拍卖行,同时又是东部大陆重要的交通枢纽。

    IF has the only Alliance auction house , as well as being a convenient transportation hub for the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms .

  5. 而且,冒险者们可以在奥格瑞玛以及铁炉堡外面看见英雄们的灵魂,而且可以抽出一点时间举起一杯收割节的甘露献给英雄。

    Also , adventurers can see the spirits of the fallen outside of Orgrimmar and Ironforge and can take a moment to heft a mug of Harvest Nectar to their memory .

  6. 然而,他最近开始与黑铁矮人商谈,让他们使用诺莫瑞根的隧道,以为自己换取他声明的铁炉堡的一部分。

    Recently , however , he opened negotiations with the Dark Iron dwarves , allowing them use of Gnomeregan 's tunnels in exchange for a part of Ironforge to call his own .

  7. 就算它如纸上的企划一样完美,依然存在有一些技术问题&就像你在一个高人口的服务器上,矮人首都铁炉堡的体验。

    As good as it sounds on paper , there are some technological worries that surface when you experience Ironforge , the dwarf capital city , on a high population server at peak playing time .