
  • 网络Main production equipment;main equipment
  1. 对公司安全管理以及主要生产设备、设施进行定性的分析评价,规范公司的安全管理;

    For the company 's safety management , and the main production equipment . We analyze and assess them to standardize safety management on the nature .

  2. 主要生产设备是厨柜工厂规划中的最主要的工艺装备,辅助生产设备的选型是保证主要生产设备正常运作的重要手段,必须严格按照产品形式、工艺规程、产能等数据进行选择和配置。

    Main production equipment is the most significant technological facility of the planning of kitchen cabinet manufacturer . The choice of the supportive equipment and facilities is an important measure to ensure the production operates properly .

  3. 针对火电厂的主要生产设备采用AHP-FUZZY方法,并结合逻辑推理,建立了设备综合评价数学模型。

    By applying AHP-FUZZY method and combining logic reasoning , the mathematical model to evaluate the states of main productive equipments is proposed .

  4. 论述了聚酯非晶APET片材的挤出加工技术,包括原材料的选用、主要生产设备、工艺条件及一些常见的工艺问题等。

    Extrusion techniques of APET ( amorphous PET ) sheet , such as selection of materials , requirements for main machinery , processing conditions and some conventional technological problems are introduced .

  5. 聚恶二唑涤纶纤维绝缘纸的主要生产设备

    Study of the Production Facility for Polyoxdiazole / Polyester Fiber Insulating Paper

  6. 山东省冶金企业主要生产设备现状、存在问题及对策

    The Present Problems and Countermeasures on Main Production Equipments in Shandong Metallurgical Enterprises

  7. 最后根据实验数据对工艺中主要生产设备进行了设计。

    At last some principal equipment was designed according to the parameters in experiment .

  8. 金属切削机床是机械加工车间的主要生产设备。(动名词)

    Machine tools for metal cutting comprise the principal manufacturing equipment in the machine shop .

  9. 公司的主要生产设备位于中国西部四川省省会成都市附近。

    The company 's main production facilities are located near Chengdu in the western province of Sichuan .

  10. 对预充式注射剂车间工艺以及主要生产设备作了简要的论述。

    The process of pre-filling injection agent workshop and main equipment used in production were briefly introduced in this article .

  11. (六)采用的主要生产设备、生产技术及其来源;

    The principal production equipment and production technology to be used in the joint venture , and their sources of supply ;

  12. 其中主要生产设备包括织带机,注塑机,成型机,超音波全部台湾进口。

    The major equipments are all purchased from Taiwan including narrow fabric looms , jet-molding machines , shaping machines and ultrasound machines .

  13. 从日本引进的世界一流的主要生产设备和技术可以充分保证产品质量和交货及时。

    Our equipment , mainly imported from Japan , and the technology we employ , will ensure quality and just-in-time delivery that customers need .

  14. 介绍了几种核桃营养保健食品的制造方法、主要生产设备、产品配方及操作要点。

    The production technology , equipments , product formular , and the key points in processing operation of some walnut healthy food were introduced .

  15. 汽轮机是热力厂的主要生产设备,汽缸变形损坏将影响汽轮机安全经济运行。

    Turbine is the main equipment in Thermal Plant . The deformation damage of cylinder can influence the safe and economic running of turbine .

  16. 介绍了贺达纸业公司低尘埃全漂白硫酸盐桉木浆的制造工艺和主要生产设备,结合生产中积累的实践经验,对全漂白桉木浆的低尘埃控制技术进行了分析和探讨。

    The paper introduces the manufacture process and equipment of less dirt bleached kraft pulp from Eucalyptus in Guangxi Heda Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. .

  17. 对原材料的配方、主要生产设备、生产工艺流程、原材料处理、生产过程中的操作要点,及质量标准等问题进行了详细论述。

    The formula , the important producing equipment , the producing process , the predisposition of raw and processed materials and the quality standard are discussed .

  18. 无轨设备是新城金矿的主要生产设备,传统的设备管理模式已不能适应这些液压设备的管理。

    The traditional equipment management model is no longer suitable for the management of the trackless equipment , which is mainly used in Xincheng Gold Mine .

  19. 拉丝机是金属制品制造的主要生产设备之一,它是整个钢丝绳制造生产过程中最重要的环节,对提高钢丝质量具有重要影响。

    The straight line wire drawing machine is the main important equipment of the wire product . It is foremost for steel wire production and the quality .

  20. 介绍了该产品的原材料选用、主要生产设备配置及生产工艺流程等。

    Introduced in the paper are such aspects concerning the said boiler pipes as selection of material , major production equipment configuration and manufacturing process flow , etc.

  21. 重点介绍了为适应市场需要所开发和生产的真丝立绒毯产品的特点、规格、组织结构、织造生产的要点以及主要生产设备。

    This paper introduced the technology of silk erect-pile blanket , and discussed the blanket 's specification , fabric construction , and major techniques in the production process .

  22. 在企业不断追求产品质量和产能的前提下,作为工业设备中的控制驱动元件的主要生产设备绕线机特别是具有较高自动化水平的绕线机很受市场的青睐。

    Constantly pursue quality and productivity , as the main device winding machine which manufacture control driving elements are fond of the market especially for high automatic winding machine .

  23. 根据试纸条的研制试验,确定工艺流程,在此基础上完成了试纸条生产过程中的物料衡算和主要生产设备选型,最后绘制了工艺流程、车间平面布置等图。

    On this basis , the calculations of material balance in the production process and equipment selection were completed . Finally , the flow chart and floorplan were drew .

  24. 目的探讨主要生产设备为露天框架式布置的石化、化工等行业的职业病危害特点,准确评价作业工人接触的职业病危害程度。

    Objective To explore the occupational hazard characteristics of outdoor petrochemical and chemical production facilities with frame construction in order to exactly assess the degree of occupational health hazard .

  25. 往复式柱塞泵设备是油田采油单位的主要生产设备,其技术性能的好坏直接影响到采油单位安全生产的正常运行。

    Reciprocating plunger pump is a kind of major equipment for oil production in oilfield , and its technique function directly influences the normal safe operating of oil unit .

  26. 浆纱机是浆纱工序的主要生产设备,单纱浆纱机和片纱浆纱实验机在小批量的浆纱生产中有十分重要的作用。

    Sizing machine is a central manufacturing equipment of the sizing . The single-yarn and laboratory sizing machine perform a sufficiently important function in the small-lot manufacture of the sizing .

  27. 介绍将设备状态监测与故障诊断技术,应用于矿山主要生产设备圆锥破碎机运行状态监控实施方案的技术路径及结构模型。

    This paper introduces equipment condition monitoring & breakdown diagnosis technique applied in technology method and structural model of chief production equipment-circular cone tattered machine 's moving condition-supervision implement scheme in mine .

  28. 随着表面安装器件广泛地应用,贴片机作为一种主要生产设备在电子制造业中的重要性日益突出,能够高效、准确地完成贴片元件的安装任务。

    With broad application of surface mounting chips , as a primary device , mounting machine has been more important in electronic manufacturing . Mounting machine can accomplish setting surface chip high-affectively and exactly .

  29. 横机是生产羊毛衫的主要生产设备,适合棉、毛、麻、丝、羊绒、及各种化纤、混纺纱线的编织。

    Flat knitting machine is the main equipment for the production of knitted sweater . It can knit yarn which made of cotton , feather , hemp , silk , pashm , chemic fibre .

  30. 乙炔压缩机作为生产溶解乙炔站内的主要生产设备之一,其良好的可靠运行是实现乙炔安全生产的物质保证。

    The acetylene compressor conduct and actions produces the main production equipments that deliquescence acetylene stands one of the insides , its good and dependable movement is a material to realizes acetylene safety produce to guarantee .