
zhōnɡ ɡuān
  • intermediate perspective
  1. 中观层面,倡导职位准入、岗前培训和在岗培养三管齐下;

    The intermediate perspective stratification plane , before the initiative position admittance , the hillock , training and does three things at once in the hillock raise ;

  2. 就竞争潜力而言,存在国际、宏观、中观、微观和自然五个层面的竞争力;就竞争行为能力而言,存在国家和企业两个层面地竞争能力。

    According to the competition potential , it exists the competitive powers of five stratification plane such as international , macroscopic , intermediate perspective , microscopic and nature . According to competition capacity , it exists competitive ability of country and enterprise two stratification plane .

  3. GPS差分模型中观测值相关性的探讨

    Approach to correlation in the differential model of GPS

  4. 控制网的施测中对控制点标志设置采用了强制对中观测墩与普通标石相结合的方式,GPS观测采用了高精度GPS大地测量模式等技术手段和作业措施。

    In the Measurement of the control network , the control point mark set by combining the way of the compulsory observation of the stone pier with the general standard .

  5. 中观城市设计的6S设计程序&嘉兴市城市中心区城市设计案例简析

    The 6S design process in medium-scale urban design

  6. 而后在全面认识宏观环境和中观环境的基础上,对江苏高客进行SWOT分析,即第3、4章内容。

    After understanding the macro-environment and moderate - environment , the article makes the SWOT analysis to Jiangsu 's freeway passengers ' transportation . It 's just the fourth chapter 's contents .

  7. 第四章论述了联想MP3播放器的定位,发展战略,竞争策略以及发展战略、竞争策略在宏观、中观、微观层面的展开论述,最后就营运当中可能存在的风险给出了具体的应对策略。

    The fourth chapter studied the orientation 、 development strategy and competition strategy as well as the development and competition strategy expanded on the macroscopical , middle and microscopical tiers .

  8. 文章指出,分析企业的战略环境主要是从宏观(PETS即:政治、经济、社会、技术)层面、中观层面(波特行业分析五力模型)、微观层面(企业竞争分析)展开。

    In general , the enterprise 's strategic environment is analyzed from macro - ( politic , economy , technology , and society ), middle ( five-competence module ) or micro ( company ) level .

  9. 来自宏观、中观和微观等多方面的因素会使得代工企业对代工模式产生路径依赖,被锁定于全球价值链的低端环节,阻碍其从代工向OBM的升级。

    Subcontracting enterprises can be locked into the low value added activities of GVC because of path dependency , which is influenced by different level reasons .

  10. ISO9000注重中观的质量目标控制、工作程序和持续改进,OEC则注重微观的质量目标分解、结果控制和有效激励,如果将二者嫁接运用于学校管理,职业学校将大有作为。

    ISO9000 lays stress on quality goal control , working procedure and continuous improvement , while OEC pays attention to quality goal resolution , result control and effective encouragement . If we apply these two to school administration , vocational school will develop immensely .

  11. 中观:绿色供应链物流系统的创建。

    Observes : The foundation of the green supply chain system ;

  12. 中观因素和微观因素是本文研究的重点。

    Meso and micro factors are the focus of our study .

  13. 一种星图模拟中观测星提取的方法

    A way of extracting observed stars for star image simulation

  14. 科尔曼从中观层面上将社会资本概括为一种社会结构;

    Coleman interpreted social capital as a social structure at middle range ;

  15. 基于中观尺度的产量&土地质量指数方法初探

    A preliminary study of land quality indicators in local scale

  16. 中观层次技术预见与区域科技发展战略研究

    Middle-level Technology Foresight and Regional S & T Development Strategy

  17. 功能维度包括:宏观、中观、微观三个层次。

    Function dimension includes three levels : macro , meso and micro .

  18. 本文主要是对微观或中观经济现象和问题的分析。

    The article mainly analyzes the micro-economic and macro-economic phenomenon .

  19. 给部分从宏观、中观、微观三个方面来进行评估。

    The three aspects introduced the macro , meso , micro assessment .

  20. 而区域会融是中观金融的主要表现形式。

    And the regional finance is the main form of the middle-finance .

  21. 中观上加强校长公平科学的管理意识;

    To strengthen the management consciousness of fairness and science of the principals ;

  22. 西部民族地区中观经济信息化间接绩效测评

    On Indirect Performance Measurement of Informationization of Medium Economy in Western Ethnic Regions

  23. 中观方面:教育行政部门要加强教师职业道德建设。

    The medium education administration aspect : strengthening teachers ' professional ethic construction .

  24. 在中观尺度上系统的对区域性的岩溶生态安全进行研究。

    At the medium scale system on regional karst ecological security were studied .

  25. 分别从产业生态化的宏观、中观和微观三个层次对企业竞争力构成因素影响进行分析;

    Separately from macroscopic , hit view and microcosmic three levels form the analyses ;

  26. 对不确定规划中观测约简的进一步研究

    Further Research on Observation Reduction in Non-Deterministic Planning

  27. 这种解释是从中观和微观的角度来认识这一问题的,有些片面。

    This kind of explanation is somewhat one-sided .

  28. 在问责研究的发展历程中,两个最具代表性的理论为社会权变模型与中观理论。

    The two classical theories on accountability are social contingency model and meso-level theory .

  29. 中观上要增强能力培养,提高自救能力;

    In the middle , should strengthen the ability development and improve self-help ability ;

  30. 我国的内需不足具体表现在宏观、中观和微观三个层次上。

    This insufficiency is manifested on three levels : macro , micro and medium .