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  • 网络madhyamika
  1. 尽管米拉热巴承认他从来没有研究过学问,他在佛教的宇宙哲学和教义的高深领域中显示了完备的知识,特别是《中观论》和《大手印》。

    Though Milarepa admitted he had never worked toward scholarship , he demonstrated a thorough knowledge in depth of Buddhist metaphysics and doctrines , especially Madhyamika and Mahamudra .

  2. 宏观的流体动力学模型,中观的气体动力论模型,微观的跟驰模型、元胞自动机模型因其研究对象相同,不同模型之间可以相互补充、融合,共同发展。

    Macroscopic fluid mechanics models , mesoscopic gas-kinetic-based models , microscopic car-following and cellular automata models have the same research object and can mutually reinforce and co-develop .