
  • 网络studies on history of chinese philosophy
  1. 勾勒了新时期中国哲学史研究从“两军对阵”到“认识史”和从“认识史”到“形上智慧”的两个转向。

    Outline the two tendencies of the studies on history of Chinese philosophy : from confrontation be-tween two forces to history of cognition , from history of cognition to metaphysical wisdom .

  2. 二十世纪中国哲学史研究概况

    A Survey of History of the Chinese Philosophy in the 20th Century

  3. 中国哲学史研究的世纪回顾

    Studies of philosophic history of China in 20th century

  4. 思想考古方法与中国哲学史研究

    The Archeology Method in History of Thoughts and the Study of Chinese Philosophy

  5. 中国哲学史研究百年反思

    The Reflection on the Century - Aged Study of the History of Chinese Philosophy

  6. 世纪之交的中国哲学史研究趋势

    Stream for the Research about the Chinese Philosophy at the Turn of the Century

  7. 中国哲学史研究与中国哲学创作

    The Studies of the History of Chinese Philosopy And The Creating of Chinese Philosophy

  8. 造成学术进展的障碍主要在于中国哲学史研究的局限。

    It is the limitation of researches on History of Chinese Philosophy that blocks the academic progress .

  9. 20世纪中国哲学史研究模式析论

    The analyses and discussion on the research mode of the Chinese philosophical history in the 20th Century

  10. 旧邦新命与冯友兰关于中国哲学史研究方法观念的转向

    " Serve the Favoring Appointment with the Old Country " and FENG You-lan 's Chinese Philosophy History Study 's Method Shift

  11. 如何如实地揭示宋明哲学的内在复杂性及特质,是中国哲学史研究所应努力的。

    Thus , great efforts should be made to reveal the complexity and characteristics of Chinese philosophy in the Song and the Ming Dynasty .

  12. 20世纪的中国哲学史研究,大致存在三种模式,即:本土化的研究模式;

    The research on the Chinese philosophical history in the 20th century , approximately , it is divided into three kinds of modes , namely : the nationalized research mode ;

  13. 在中国哲学史研究中,开展正常的学术讨论和学术批评是非常必要的,但任何学术讨论和批评都必须建立在摆事实、讲道理的基础上,而不能不顾事实,妄加论断。

    It is necessary for us to develop normal academic discussion and academic criticism in the study of philosophy history , but , any academic discussion and academic criticism must value objective facts .

  14. 在近现代的中国哲学史研究中,对两宋哲学史的研究大多着眼于理学与新学,而苏洵、苏轼、苏辙为代表的蜀学却一直被置于冷落的境地。

    In the study of modern Chinese philosophy , researches on History of Philosophy in North and South Song Dynasties focus on Neo-Confucianism and New Learning whilst Shu Xue represented by Su Xun , Su Shi and Su Zhe is snubbed for quite a long time .

  15. 他将逻辑分析方法引入中国哲学史的研究,从而将中国哲学梳理成一个多层次的范畴体系,取得了伟大成果。

    It is he that successfully introduces the analytical methodology in the study of Chinese philosophical history .

  16. 以往中国哲学史的研究往往比附于西方哲学。

    The studies of the history of Chinese philosophy in the past days often followed the line of western philosophy .

  17. 他毕生从事哲学理论和中国哲学史的研究。

    He was engaged in the research of philosophical theory and the history of Chinese philosophy in all his life .

  18. 清代哲学史的研究是中国古代哲学史研究的重要组成部分,胡适对这一内容也进行过比较系统的论述。

    The study of the history of philosophy in the Qing Dynasty is an important part of the history of philosophy in ancient Chinese , and Hu Shi has had systematic discussion on this content .

  19. 本文就谢无量及其《中国哲学史》进行研究,力图发掘其学术价值与时代意义,尝试给出合适的历史定位。

    This article will talk about Xie Wuliang and his History of Chinese Philosophy , the aim is to explore its academic value and the significance of the times , trying to give him and his works a suitable position in history as well .

  20. 在对中国传统哲学思想史的研究中,人性问题在中国传统文化中体现着丰富的内涵。

    In the research of Chinese traditional philosophy , history of Humanity problems in traditional Chinese culture embodies rich connotation .

  21. 由此言之,《中国哲学史新编》具有消化马克思主义、总结新理学和中国哲学史研究的双重意义。

    From this point , it can be said that " The Newly Compiled History of Chinese Philosophy " Has dual significance of dissolving Marxism and summarizing the :" Neo-rational Confucianism " and the research in the history of Chinese philosophy .