
  1. 再论中国古代哲学史上的精华所在

    Another Study of the Essence of the History of China 's Ancient Philosophy

  2. 时间观在我国古代哲学史上占有非常重要的地位。

    The concept of time plays a very important position in China ' sancient philosophy .

  3. 在中国古代哲学史上,天道与人道历来是哲学家们提及并多有争论的问题。

    In Chinese history of ancient philosophy , the outlook of heaven and that of man have always been controversial and heated topics among philosophers .

  4. 清代哲学史的研究是中国古代哲学史研究的重要组成部分,胡适对这一内容也进行过比较系统的论述。

    The study of the history of philosophy in the Qing Dynasty is an important part of the history of philosophy in ancient Chinese , and Hu Shi has had systematic discussion on this content .

  5. 《论衡》是一部著名的唯物主义哲学著作,对于研究中国古代思想史和哲学史具有重要的价值。

    Lun Heng is a famous materialist philosophical work and is of great value for studying ancient Chinese historical thoughts and philosophy .