
  1. 文章的第一部分分析了《水浒》产生的古代法制环境。

    The first part of the article analyzes ancient legal system environment of Shuihu .

  2. 中国古代法制文学研究范围刍议

    On Study Scope of Chinese Ancient Legality Literature

  3. 中国古代法制文书的分类;

    Classification of Chinese legal documents ;

  4. 礼与法是中国古代法制史上的两大课题。

    Rites and law are the two major topics in China ancient of legal system and institutions .

  5. 从而全面揭示出金朝法律的作用以及在中国古代法制史上具有的重要地位。

    In deed , the function and the importance of it in Chinese legal system were displayed wholly .

  6. 它们既体现了中国古代法制的基本特征,也反映了中华民族的传统思维模式和习惯。

    They represent the spirit of China ancient rules of law , as well as the Chinese traditional mode of thinking .

  7. 它奠定了中国近代法制的基础,促进了中国古代法制向近现代法制的转型;

    It lays a foundation for the contemporary Chinese legal system , promotes the transition from the ancient Chinese legal system to a contemporary one .

  8. 汉代的监狱制度在我国古代法制文化史中占有重要地位,发挥着承上启下的作用。

    The prison system of the Han dynasty occupies an important position in the cultural history of our ancient legal system , plays a connecting role .

  9. 传统民法在中国古代法制中处于弱势地位的原因之一是小商品经济被抑制。

    One of the reasons why Chinese traditional civil law had very little status in the field of Chinese legality history was the restrictions on small commodity economy .

  10. 唐代判牍采用骈体,文采绚烂,是中国古代法制史上判文中的一朵奇葩。

    Abundant in splendidness , the court verdicts of the Tang Dynasty takes the form of rhythmical prose style , a wonder in the Chinese ancient law history .

  11. 对中国古代法制文学加强研究具有十分重要的现实意义,它对当代法制文学创作和欣赏具有借鉴和指导作用。

    Strengthening the study of Chinese ancient legality literature has an important factual significance . Through which we can draw on experiences and guidance to create and appreciate contemporary legality literature .

  12. 沈家本所主持的晚清修律是中国法制近代化的开端,是中国古代法制向近代法制过渡的转折点。

    The modification of the law presided by Shen Jiaben on late Qing is the outset of the Chinese legal system and the milestone from Chinese ancient legal system to modem legal system .

  13. 以往学界对中国古代法制史的研究多将视线集中于刑律以及司法精神的演变上来,较少关注女性犯罪、女性犯罪的原因以及国家对犯罪女性的刑罚。

    The research of ancient Chinese history was mostly on criminal laws and the changes of judicial spirit , but was seldom conducted on female crimes , causes of such crimes and penalties the nation promulgated against the committers .

  14. 试论古代蒙古法制对自然资源的保护

    On Protection of Natural Resources of the Legal System in the Ancient Mongol Nationality

  15. 在中国古代,法制史学是传统史学的一个重要部分。

    In ancient China , legal history is an important part in traditional history .

  16. 中国古代经纪法制源流初探

    A Tentative Study of the Origin and Development of the Ancient Brokerage System in China

  17. 论古夫余族倍偿之法对古代东亚法制之影响

    On the Influence of the Ancient Fuyu 's Law to the Laws of Ancient East Asia

  18. 建筑在这种社会结构基础之上的法律体系,压抑了人的个性和理智的正常发展,建立在种姓制度基础上的古代印度法制就是其中的典型。

    Legal system based on this kind of social structure constrains the personal individuality and normal development of intellect .

  19. 侠客们诞生以后,他们的侠义精神补充了古代的法制精神,为古代制度打上了正义的补丁。

    After the chivalrous men were born , their chivalrous spirit repaired the spirit of legal system in ancient times .

  20. 蒙古族法制史在中国古代民族法制史上具有举足轻重的地位,成为自成体系的蒙古法系。

    The Mongolian legal history has an important status in national legal history in ancient times of China and has become Mongolian legal system .

  21. 冠服礼仪是中国古代礼仪法制的重要组成部分,受到历代统治者的高度重视。

    The dressing etiquette is an important part of the etiquette legal system in ancient China , and was paid much attention to by the governors .

  22. 我国古代经济法制是中华法系的有机组成部分,历代相承,不断增益发展。

    Abst r actOur ancient economic legal system was an organic part of the Chineselegal system , which got developed with past dynasties succeeding to eachother .

  23. 而当社会的法律制度和新闻传播活动发展到一定水平并产生实际的社会需要时,中国古代新闻法制就开始起源了。

    When the legal system and news dis-seminating activities developed to a certain level and a real social need appeared , ancient Chinese news legal system originated .

  24. 古代廉政法制建设的教训和警示

    The lessons and Warnings from the Construction of Clean and Honest Administration in Ancient China The Construction of Legal System Against Corruption in the Beginning of Ming Dynasty

  25. 古代东南亚国家法制的产生及发展

    Foundation and Development of Southeast Asia Country Law in Ancientry

  26. 认为中国古代藏书楼法制历史较长,凸显封建文化专制理念,是中国图书馆立法的渊源;

    The library legislation system in ancient China had a much longer history , giving prominence to the conception in the feudal culture autocracy .

  27. 通过对大量史料的梳理,论述中国古代涉外经济法制的主要内容,总结其特点,并探讨其影响。

    Based on profound historical material , the paper described the main contents , generalized the character and talked about the influence of ancient foreign-related economic regulations and laws .

  28. 古代宗教思想对法制的影响

    Ancient Religious Ideas ' Impact on Law

  29. 中国古代法律文化和法制思想以其独特的把握世界的方式,体现着独特的民族精神和文化传统。

    Ancient Chinese culture of law and thoughts of legal system have been embodying their unique racial spirits and cultural tradition through their distinctive way of grasping the world .

  30. 古代中国由于宗法制的存在,国家为了防止家族、宗族间的大规模仇杀,开始对复仇行为进行规范与约束,复仇制度建立起来。

    As the ancient Chinese were the existence of the rule of law , the state in order to prevent revenge between the families , acts of revenge began to regulate and constraints , established the system of retaliation .