
yánɡ zhū
  • philosopher advocating ethical egoism
  1. 杨朱有个弟弟叫杨布,穿着白色的衣服出门。

    Yang Zhu had1 a younger2 brother named Yang Bu . One day Yang Bu went out wearing white clothes .

  2. 杨布怒气冲冲地就要打这条狗,杨朱对他说:“你别打它啦,你也可能犯它这种错误。要是你的狗出去时是白色,回来时却变成了黑色,你会不觉得奇怪吗?”

    Yang Bu got8 angry and was9 about to beat10 the dog . At this time Yang Zhu said11 to him . " Don 't beat it . You may also make this kind of mistake12 too . If your dog went out in white , and came back in black , wouldn 't you be surprised13 ? "

  3. 杨朱有个弟弟叫杨布。

    Yang Zhu had a younger brother named Yang Bu .

  4. 杨朱作为他们的代言人,不可能宣扬纵欲、享乐思想。

    As their spokesman , it is not possible for Yang Zhu to publicize carnalism and hedonism .

  5. 这里,我只略谈商鞅、孔子、老庄、杨朱四个思想流派的主要观点。

    Here , I will only touch the main ideas from Lord Shang , Kongfuzi , Lao-Zhuangzi and Yang Zhu .

  6. 当你理解了杨朱的建议,你的一生将远离贫穷,你将拥有超出想象的财富。

    When you master Yang Zhu 's advice , you will never be poor all of your life and you will be rich beyond belief ;

  7. 这时候,杨朱看见弟弟要打狗,急忙跑出来,拉住杨布,说:

    When Yang Zhu saw that his brother was going to beat the dog , he hurriedly came out , took hold of Yang Bu and said :