
  • 网络Brigham Young;BYU
  1. 该书的另两位合著者为杨百翰大学的教授杰夫·代尔和哈佛商学院的教授克莱顿·克里斯坦森,后者1997年出版的书《创新者的困境》普及了“颠覆性创新″的概念。

    His two collaborators and co -- authors are Jeff Dyer , a professor at Brigham Young University , and Clayton Christensen , a professor at the Harvard Business School , whose 1997 book The Innovators Dilemma popularized the concept of innovation . "

  2. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的研究人员发现,婴儿更加偏向于去记忆那些能够触发正面情绪的事情。

    Researchers at Brigham Young University discovered that babies are more likely to remember things that trigger positive emotions .

  3. 托德•佩德森22岁时就从杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)退学开办了自己的公司。

    When Todd Pedersen was 22 , he dropped out of College at Brigham Young University to start his own company .

  4. 甚至还观看了今年对阵杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的橄榄球决赛。这场比赛在当地被称作圣战。

    They even got to see the final bit of this year 's football game against Brigham Young , known locally as the Holy War .

  5. 切尼失道寡助,甚至在摩门教开办的极其保守的杨百翰大学(brighamyounguniversity)进行演讲也引发了抗议活动。

    Dick Cheney is so unpopular that he has provoked protests even at Brigham Young University , a Mormon redoubt which is as conservative as they come .

  6. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的约瑟夫·普莱斯(JosephPrice)及其同事今年发布的研究报告显示,仅仅为高风险的数学竞赛添加更多轮次的较量,优胜者的性别差异就会随之消失。

    Joseph Price of Brigham Young University and his colleagues reported this year that the gender gap in high-stakes math competitions disappeared simply by adding more rounds to a contest .

  7. 贝尔及其大学室友丹•希尔(DanHill)2004年提出了Ragnar比赛的设想,当时两人正在杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)读大三。

    Bell and his college roommate Dan Hill came up with the idea for Ragnar when they were juniors at Brigham Young University in 2004 .

  8. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的经济学家C·阿登·波普三世(C.ArdenPopeIII)是研究空气污染对健康的影响的权威专家,他指出,准确的污染监测仪器直到20世纪80年代才出现。

    C. Arden Pope III , a professor of economics at Brigham Young University and a leading expert on the health consequences of air pollution , noted that accurate pollution monitors have existed only since the 1980s .

  9. 在另一项研究中,杨百翰大学(BYU)的研究人员分析了IBM分布于75个国家的24436个雇员,试图发现到何种程度才会导致25%的员工报告工作与家庭生活之间的冲突。

    In another study , researchers from BYU analyzed 24,436 IBM ( IBM ) employees in 75 countries to identify the point at which 25 % of employees reported work-family conflicts .

  10. 杨百翰大学麦里特商学院的市场营销助理教授RyanElder表示:“声音基本被人们当做一种被遗忘的食物感觉。可如果人们能够更加专注于他们在吃东西时发出来的声音,那么这样做能够减少他们摄入的食物。”

    Sound is typically labeled as the forgotten food sense , " adds Ryan Elder , assistant professor of marketing at BYU 's Marriott School of Management . " But if people are more focused on the sound the food makes , it could reduce consumption . "

  11. 而对这两条铁路而言,最关键的则是摩门教头杨百翰。

    Critical to both lines was the Mormon leader , Brigham Young .

  12. 杨百翰时期美国摩门教会印第安人政策研究(1851-1857)

    A Study of the Mormon Church s Indian Policy under Brigham Young s Superintendence ( 1851-1857 );

  13. 犹他州杨百翰大学的研究人员采访了408位青少年,问他们与祖辈关系如何。

    Researchers at Brigham Young University in Utah interviewed 408 adolescents about their relationship with their grandparents .

  14. 的主持者之杨百翰大学家庭生活学院教授、工作家庭问题资深人士希尔。

    Jeffrey Hill , a professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University and a long-time researcher on work-family issues .

  15. 美国杨百翰大学和科罗拉多州立大学的研究人员们已经发现,你的电视、收音机和电脑正在让你变得越来越胖。

    Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV , radio , and computer are making you fat .

  16. 例如,研究发现半数以上的杨百翰大学毕业生的配偶是他们的同校。

    For example , the study found that more than half of Brigham Young University graduates on Facebook also had a spouse who attended the school .

  17. 研究者杨百翰大学家庭生活教授詹森·卡罗尔称,这一效应对于各种收入水平的夫妻来说全都适用。

    The effect holds true across all levels of income , said study researcher Jason Carroll , a professor of family life at Brigham Young University .

  18. 杨百翰大学(杨百翰大学),在犹他州普罗沃,位于美国,是一所私立男女同校的研究型大学完全拥有教会

    Brigham Young University ( BYU ), located in Provo , Utah , United States , is a private , coeducational research university completely owned by The Church

  19. 令人难以置信的是,考古生物学家在杨百翰大学的储藏室发现了这种生物最完整的头骨,它居然被人们遗忘在上世纪90年代。

    In an unlikely twist , paleontologists found its mostly complete skull in storage at Brigham Young University , where it had been largely forgotten since the ' 90s .

  20. 而此时,琳达的大女儿在秋季也将成为杨百翰大学的新生,二女儿将上杨百翰大学在爱达荷州的分校。

    As it happened , Linda 's eldest daughter would also be a sophomore at BYU that fall , and her next eldest daughter would be at the branch campus in Idaho .

  21. 杨百翰大学最新的一项研究为该讨论火上浇油。该研究表明,对于迪士尼公主的沉迷会对女孩们有害。

    The latest study adding fuel to the fire comes out of Brigham Young University and finds that , yes indeed , folks , the Disney princess obsession can be harmful to girls .

  22. 两个女孩很快就和金发碧眼的高个子哥哥在犹他州的杨百翰大学定了见面的日子,但生母与儿子至今还没相见。

    The two girls were quick to set up a rendezvous with their tall , fair-haired , blue-eyed half-brother on the BYU campus in utah , but birth mother and son have yet to meet .

  23. 爱自由的外国留学生们在伯克利分校无所顾忌的释放自己:那些来自传统背景的学生们可能更喜欢生活在没有同龄人压力(喝酒或者泡妞)的校园,如犹他州的杨百翰大学。

    Liberal foreign students let it all hang out at Berkeley ; those from traditional backgrounds may prefer a campus where there is no peer pressure to drink or fornicate , such as Brigham Young in Utah .

  24. 杨百翰大学和北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校从148个研究中总结发现,人际交往弱的人群似乎死亡率会更高。

    People with weak social connections were found to die at much higher rates than their counterparts , according to research by Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , which collected data from 148 different studies .