
  • 网络argumentum e contrario
  1. 第三部分从反面论证了产业和谐的重大意义。

    The third part has proved that the industrial harmony is of great significance from the reverse side .

  2. 因此,几乎所有的美国学生都会从反面论证这个话题,这也正是评分人期待看到的答案。

    For that reason , almost all American students argue the other side , and the graders are likely to expect that .

  3. 在理解城市和谐内涵的基础上,从反面论证了城市制度对城市和谐的推动与保障作用。

    Understanding the connotation of urban harmony , the driving and supporting effects of urban institutions on it are demonstrated from the negative side .

  4. 新生代作家很少从正面描述融汇之爱,而往往从反面论证它的合理性:无论是对主体间性的忽视,还是蔑视爱欲的倾向,他们都给予了有力的批判。

    The Cainozoic Era writers seldom describe confluent love directly , but they often prove its rationality from the reverse side . Whether is it negligence of the sex between main parts , or tendency to despise eroticism , they all criticize it severely .