
  • 网络Graphics chip;GPU;GPUs
  1. 随着更多手机和平板设备开始装备能支持高清分辨率游戏的处理器和图形芯片,开发者将有更大动力入驻GooglePlay。

    As the broader handset and tablet space start having CPUs and GPUs that can provide great high definition gaming , there is a big incentive for developers to be on Google Play .

  2. 现在最新一代手机系统级芯片(SoC)的图形芯片(GPU)速度已经达到或超过PlayStation3和Xbox360了。

    The latest generation of GPUs in Mobile SoCs are now at or exceeding those of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 .

  3. •1999年收购RaycerGraphics(图形芯片)。

    • 1999 raycer graphics ( graphic chips ) .

  4. 随着DirectX的发展,它能更加有效的支持图形芯片的新特性。

    With the development of DirectX , it supports graphics cards more and more effectively .

  5. 一般车载导航器使用的图形芯片的性能是有限的,在GUI层中就需要提供一定的机制来优化界面处理性能。

    Generally the performance of graphics chips in the vehicle navigation device is limited . In the GUI layer , it needs to optimize the processing performance of the interface .

  6. Intel即将推出的Larrabee图形芯片将会为这一市场提供解决,同时还有标配的多核处理器。

    Intel 's upcoming Larrabee graphics chip will address this market , in addition to standard multicore processors .

  7. iPadAir的其他改进都在意料之中:更快的处理器和图形芯片,能快速抓拍多张照片的Burst模式,定价599美元及以上的机型享有更大存储空间。

    The rest of the iPad Air 's improvements are beneath the hood : a faster processor and graphics chip , a Burst mode feature that quickly snaps a series of photos and more storage on iPad models priced $ 599 and above .

  8. 天河-1A系统使用了英伟达(Nvidia)的芯片。这家总部位于加利福尼亚的图形芯片设计公司证实,天河-1A是目前中国乃至全世界最快的系统。

    Nvidia , the California-based graphics chip design company whose chips are used in the new machine , confirmed that it is the fastest system in China and in the world today .

  9. 最后论文对生成的GPU的软件库进行了功能的验证,如平移、旋转变换,以及光照运算,剔除与裁剪,投影以及光栅化等功能进行验证,实现了图形芯片功能的模拟。

    At the last of this paper , the main work is to test and verify the function of software model , such as translation , rotation transformation , lighting operation , remove and cut , projection and raster features . Succeed in simulating the embedded GPU chip .

  10. 并行图形芯片作用明显,游戏可玩性也大幅上升。

    The parallel graphical chips worked , and gaming soared .

  11. 印度理工大学的一开始是无晶圆厂的半导体产品供应商的数学协处理器和图形芯片组市场。

    IIT began as a fabless vendor of semiconductor products for the math coprocessor and graphics chipset markets .

  12. 该类产品正由飞思卡尔、恩威迪亚、迈威尔和高通等无线和图形芯片制造商推动,它们一直无法在上网本市场夺得显著份额。

    The category is being promoted by wireless and graphics chipmakers such as Freescale , Nvidia , Marvell and Qualcomm , which have been unable to grab a significant share of the netbook market .

  13. 由于关键算法和硬件设计方案属于图形芯片厂家的核心技术,并受知识产权保护,因此相关资料非常匮乏。

    Because the key algorithm and hardware design method are core technologies for graphics chip manufacturers and protected by intellectual property rights ( IPR ), related information for designing 3-D graphics processor is very scarce .

  14. HTC希望凭借HTCOne手机扭转颓势,因此给HTCOne配备了一块性能超强的显示屏、一个意在与iPhone竞争的铝合金机身、以及HTC自家生产的图形处理芯片。

    The one is intended to turn that around , with its impressive display , a casing designed to rival that of the iPhone , and an image processor chip that HTC made in-house .

  15. 在小尺寸LCD图形处理芯片中,BitBLT引擎的设计需要仔细地权衡速度、功耗和面积等相互制约的因素。

    The trade-off of speed , power and size should be considered carefully in design of BitBLT engine for small size LCD graphics controller . The functions and architecture of the recently developed BitBLT engine are described in the paper .

  16. 图像通信和图像图形处理芯片的新进展

    The New Advances of Image Communications and Image Graphical Processing Chips

  17. 本文主要介绍用于实时图像通信、图像图形处理芯片和多媒介处理器的新进展。

    The paper gives a survey of the new advances of image , graphical processing chips and multimedia processor .

  18. 而对小型化、实时性的要求进一步促进了高速高性能图像、图形处理芯片的开发。

    In order to meet the requirment of realtime processing and small size , The fast speed , high performance digital image , graphical processing chips is developed .

  19. 随着嵌入式处理器性能的提升及专用图形加速芯片的出现,在嵌入式平台上实现快速且高质量的图像处理成为可能。

    With the embedded processor performance increasing and the emergence of dedicated graphics acceleration chip , the embedded platform is possible for fast and high quality image processing .

  20. 答:不会,只要AMD处理器及配套的图形或其他芯片(称做“芯片组”)能够处理你Vista中的图形文件就行。

    A : No , as long as the AMD processor , and / or its accompanying graphics and other chips , called a'chip set , 'are rated as being able to handle the graphics in the version of Vista you are buying .

  21. 本文讨论的内容是针对中小规模液晶显示应用而设计的一款图形显示控制芯片,对该芯片的低功耗和可测性设计进行研究,提出了完整的低功耗和可测性设计方案。

    Low power and testability are mainly discussed in this thesis , and a full low power design scheme and test methodology is proposed for the chip .

  22. 所谓DNA折纸芯片,就是由DNA折纸术得到的图形改造为的芯片。

    DNA origami chip means a chip based on DNA origami technique .

  23. GPU是计算机中用于图形处理的数字芯片。

    GPU is a digital chip that used for calculation computer graphics .

  24. F-Theta镜头是激光扫描系统中必不可少的重要组成部分,已广泛应用于打标机、导弹跟踪瞄准、激光打印机、传真机集成电路激光图形发生器和生物芯片检测仪[1]等精密设备中。

    F-Theta lens is one of the most important parts of laser scanning system , and has been widely used in many equipments with high precision , such as laser marking machine , missile tracking and aiming , laser printer , faxes , biochip test and so on .

  25. 通讯技术和手持设备的发展,推动了中小尺寸图形显示技术的发展,也对图形显示控制芯片提出了更高的要求。

    The great progress of communications technology and handheld devices promotes the graphic display technology of small / medium scale , requires graphics controller be more powerful and effective .