
  1. 开发人员可以将元素从概要文件和模型库中拖拉到UML图内。

    Developers can drag elements from the profile and from the model library into UML diagrams .

  2. 这将创建一个输入XML文件,可以在工具业务集成透视图内的物理资源视图中找到此文件。

    This creates an input XML file that can be located in the physical resources view within the tooling business integration perspective .

  3. 在LeBas(1986)TAS图内火山岩低压结晶作用硅&碱演化趋势呈正斜率并近似与TAS图内火山岩系列分界线相近。

    The silica-alkali evolution trend of low pressure crystallization fractionation of volcanic magma exhibits positive slope and is approximately parallel to the boundary of volcanic series in the TAS diagram ( Le Bas , 1986 ) .

  4. T,logP(H2)&1/T)来表达体系的各种平衡关系,从而能在一个很小的平面图内,清晰地显示出整个体系平衡关系的全貌。

    HE ) T , logP_ ( H_2 ) 1 / T ) are used to express the equilibrium relations , so that the whole equilibrium relations of tbe systems can be clearly shown in some two dimensional small plots .

  5. 冬季的天气使图内许多地区的气温降到零度以下。

    Winter weather brought subzero temperatures to much of the country .

  6. 图到其二次迭线图内的关联嵌入

    Incidence embeddings of graphs into their second iterated line graphs

  7. 在这个透视图内,核心元素是成员类型属性。

    In this perspective , the core elements are member type attributes .

  8. 大比例尺航测数字化测图内转外作业中的精度控制

    The Precision Control of Inside-to-outside Procedure in Large Scale Digital Aerophotogrammetry Mapping

  9. 许可证持有人须彻底执行已核准的建筑设计图内的建议。

    All measures recommended in the approved architectural design drawings shall be fully implemented .

  10. 数字大连基础测绘数字线划图内业编辑的方式与方法

    The way of the line map editing in the fundamental s / m in " digital dalian "

  11. 然后各子图内像素灰度值以低阶多项式表示,依最小二乘准则以多项式逼近原图像的子图像。

    Then , the image grey level of every subimage is approximated by low-order polynomial according to least-square criterion .

  12. 助听阈值明显减小(P<0.001)更集中于香蕉图内,尤其是高频补偿改善显著。

    Decreased evidently 〔 P < 0.001 〕 and within banana graph , especially high frequency compensation was improved apparently .

  13. 目前,我国学者对信息化的经济效应所做的研究大多集中在信息化对经济总量(如图内生产总值)的作用上,而对于细化到产业层面的信息化的经济效应研究相对较少。

    At present , most of the research done by Chinese scholars on the economic effects of information technology has focused on the impact on the total economic output ( e.g. GDP ) .

  14. 但由于信号边界的不确定性,现有的边界处理方法都不能有效地消除边界效应,造成时频图内两边端点附近信号的能量扩散。

    But the end effect that can cause spectrum energy diffusing at the ends in time frequency domain is still a key problem in the local wave method and can not be solved by existing methods .

  15. 设计实现了基于梯形图内嵌入组态算法技术的异构嵌入式组态系统。

    Auto-generation control algorithm technology is advanced to translate the graphical interface to the underlying code automatically . ( 4 ) The heterogeneous embedded configuration system is designed and completed based on the ladder embedded configuration algorithms technology .