
  • 网络magma segregation
  1. 攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿床是我国特大型晚期岩浆分凝型矿床。

    Panzhihua vanadic titanomagnetite deposit is a gigant late magmatic segregation deposit .

  2. 文章选取诺尔特地区各时期代表性岩体进行岩浆分凝作用的研究,确定的动力学参数包括岩浆的含水量、粘度及密度。

    This paper investigates the segregation of the representational granite at each stage and some dynamics parameter of magma are calculated , including the water content , the viscosity and the density of the magma .

  3. 作者认为该类矿床不宜归入晚期岩浆矿床,拟称岩浆分异-分凝矿床。

    The author regard this kind of ore deposit as magmatic differentiation and segregation ore deposit , not late magmatic ore deposit .