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  • 网络lithodemic units
  1. 宜溧地区花岗岩类岩石谱系单位的划分

    Classification of Lineage Units for Granitoid in the Areas of Yili

  2. 能量地球化学在花岗岩岩石谱系单位建立中的初步应用

    Application of energy geochemistry in the establishment of the heirarchical units of granitic rocks

  3. 大别造山带北部变质花岗岩岩石谱系单位划分及特征

    Petrological lineage unit division and characteristics of the metamorphosed granite in the northern Dabie orogen

  4. 这样较系统地建立了江西省中南部中新元古代-晚三叠世岩石谱系单位和等级体制,为今后开展全省侵入岩谱系单位划分奠定了基础。

    It laid the foundations of the division of hierarchical units of intrusive rocks in Jiangxi province .

  5. 江西中南部中新元古代&晚三叠世岩石谱系单位划分

    The Division of Hierarchical Units of Intrusive Rocks from Middle-late Proterozoic to Late Triassic in Middle-south Jiangxi Province

  6. 不同时期、不同岩石谱系单位,成矿类型及规模不同。

    Different hierarchical units of the intrusive rocks formed in different periods have different mineralization types and scales .

  7. 河北甲山正长岩体的岩石谱系单位划分及地球化学特征

    Division of the lithologic unit series and characteristics of Geochemistry of the syenite intrusive bodies in jiashan , Hebei Province

  8. 湘赣边境志留纪花岗岩岩石谱系单位特征及侵位机制探讨

    On the rock hierarchical units characteristics and the emplacement mechanism of Silurian granite in the boundary between Hunan and Jiangxi

  9. 按岩石谱系单位的划分原则和方法,建立3个花岗岩类超单元和3个独立单元;

    According to the criteria and methodology of intrusive rock hierarchical unit , there are3 granite super-units and3 dependent units .

  10. 按照岩石谱系单位的划分原则,可分为2个超单元(序列)和8个单元。

    Based on the division principles of rock lineage unit , two super series and eight units can be divided .

  11. 本文对承德县甲山正长岩体进行了岩石谱系单位划分,归并为甲山序列;

    In this paper , the authors divide the lithologic unit series of syenite intrusive bodies in Jiashan , Chengde County and classify them as the Jiashan System .

  12. 运用花岗岩岩石谱系单位的新理论、新方法,将括苍山地区在燕山晚期形成的花岗岩,按岩石谱系单位的建立原则,共建立了15个单元。

    By applying new theories and new methods on the rock lineage unit of granite , 15 rock lineage units are established for the granite formed during late Yanshanian Period in Kuocangshan .

  13. 宜溧地区中生代侵入体经地面调查和对比分析,依据花岗岩类岩石谱系单位划分原则,可划分为2个超单元(序列)、7个单元以及1个独立侵入体和2类脉岩。

    Through field survey and contrast , and based on the classification principles of lineage unit for the granitoid , the Mesozoic intrusives in the areas of Yili can be divided into two super units ( series ), seven units and one independent intrusive and two types of dike rocks .