
yán xiàng xué
  • petrography
  1. 本文选择苏鲁造山带北部进行了野外地质、岩相学和锆石年代学研究。

    This paper presents an integrated study of field geological , petrography , zircon chronology in the region of northern Sulu orogen belt .

  2. 岩相学特征表明盆地砂岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,物源为再旋回造山带或碰撞造山带。

    Petrography features suggest that the sandstones , which have low compositional and textural maturity , were derived from recycled orogen or collisional orogen .

  3. 变质锆石成因的岩相学研究&高级变质岩U-Pb年龄解释的基本依据

    Petrographical study of metamorphic zircon : basic roles in interpretation of U-Pb age of high grade metamorphic rocks

  4. 岩相学和地球化学指标显示三叠纪火山岩为玄武岩,MgO含量均很低(范围在4.27%~7.72%),属于演化岩浆。

    The Triassic volcanic rocks are belonging to basalt based on the petrographical and geochemical indicators . Low contents of MgO ( 4.27 % ~ 7.72 % ) for these basalts indicate an evolved magma .

  5. 流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温及成分分析结果表明:成矿期石英流体包裹体十分发育,主要有气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2单相三种类型。

    The fluid inclusion petrography , microthermometry and component analysis results show that : Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals are well developed in the mineralization period and can be classified into aqueous two-phase , CO2-rich three-phase inclusions and CO2-pure single-phase inclusions .

  6. 根据野外地质及室内岩相学、矿物成分和岩石化学的研究,从华南腹地厘定了一条重要的中生代NE向富碱侵入岩带&绍兴-恩平富碱侵入岩带。

    On the basis of the studies of field geology , petrography , mineral compositions and petrochemistry , an important Mesozoic alkali rich intrusive rock zone , the Shaoxing Enping alkali rich intrusive rock zone , is ascertained in the hinterland of South China .

  7. 无机非金属材料专业晶体光学及岩相学实验教学的教改实践

    Practive of the experiment teaching innovation of crystal optics and lithofacies

  8. 熊耳群火山熔岩的岩相学特征

    Petrographic characteristics of volcanic lava fron xiong ' er group

  9. 根据岩相学特征,辉石岩包体可分为两类:绿色辉石岩和黑色辉石岩。

    Two types of pyroxenite xenoliths are noted , namely green and black pyroxenites .

  10. 碱度对低氟烧结矿强度及其岩相学研究

    Influence of basicity on strength of low fluorine content iron ore sinter and lithology study

  11. 岩相学,岩类学对岩石的描述和分类岩浆就会上升直达地表。

    The description and classification of rocks . liquid rock can move up towards the surface .

  12. 岩相学特征和地球化学模拟也都表明这些富铝矿物结晶较晚。

    Both petrographic features and the geochemical modeling also show that they are the late-stage crystallization phases .

  13. 冀东南堡凹陷基岩岩相学特征及储集性能

    Petrography and storage behavior of granitic bedrock in the Lan Bao depression in the east of Hebei Province

  14. 岩相学方面的主要进展反映在流体包裹体组合概念的提出和应用。

    In fluid-inclusion petrography , the introduction of the concept of ' fluid-inclusion assemblage ' has been a major advance .

  15. 岩相学及岩石化学研究表明,岩浆演化机制是矿物分离结晶作用。

    The petrologic and petrochemical study has shown that the main mechanism controlling the magmatic evolution is fractional crystallization of minerals .

  16. 根据野外观察,结合岩相学和地球化学的分析结果,指出这些浅变质岩的原岩均为陆源碎屑沉积岩。

    The combination of petrographic and geochemical analysis results show that these low metamorphic rocks ' protolith are terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks .

  17. 对浙江省花岗岩的岩相学特征及力学性质进行了研究以确定它们之间的关系。

    In this paper , the petrographical characteristics and mechanical properties of Zhejiang granite are studied to elucidate the relationships between them .

  18. 并以四川红系列花岗岩石材加工为例,说明了花岗岩岩相学特征对岩石可锯性影响的程度。

    The example to process the Sichuan series of red granites indicates that the sawability will be effected by the petrographic characters of the granites .

  19. 岩相学指出了斜长岩和K&长石中存在矿物迁移的现象,形成了一些粘性土。

    The petrographic study indicated that there is mineral alteration occurred to the plagioclase and K-feldspar , in addition to the formation of some clays .

  20. 地幔流体交代作用的岩相学和岩石化学特征超基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。

    The Petrographic and Petrochemical Characteristics of the Mantle Fluid Metasomatism ; Further imbrication , folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .

  21. 本文主要从岩石学的角度论述了两条韧性剪切带内的岩石岩相学特征,讨论了韧性剪切带以及剪切带内岩石的特征。

    In this paper the author discusses the petrography feature of the rock in the scale ductile shear zone and the characteristics of the shear belt .

  22. 通过对各体系域地层单元的岩相学和地球化学分析研究,恢复了各时期的古地理面貌及沉积相带的空间展布。

    By means of detail investigation in petrographic and geochemical characteristics of stratigraphic units in every systems tract , the palaeogeographic and sedimentary facies distribution are recognized .

  23. 根据野外及系统岩相学、矿相学研究,将成岩成矿阶段划分为沉积变质期、热液成矿期及成矿期后。

    According to the field and systematic petro-graphic mineralography research , the diagenetic mineralization phases are divided into sedimentary metamorphic stage , hydrothermal mineralization stage and post-mineralization .

  24. 利用砂岩的化学组分特征结合岩相学分析,可以判断物源区特征及大地构造背景。

    The characteristics of the major chemical components , combined with lithofacies analyses , are used to discriminate the features of the provenance and its tectonic setting .

  25. 矿床矿物流体包裹体岩相学研究表明。成矿流体包裹体类型多样。但以富液相包裹体和气相包裹体为主。

    The geochemistry study of fluid inclusion shows that there are many kinds of fluid inclusions , but the main types are rich-liquid inclusions and rich-gas inclusions .

  26. 野外地质调查和详细的岩性岩相学及构造学研究表明,赣中变质岩带由深层次结晶基底和浅层次褶皱基底组成。

    Field geological survey and detailed lithologic-lithofacies and structural study have revealed that the Central Jiangxi Metamorphic Belt is composed of deep-seated crystalline basement and shallow-seated folded basement .

  27. 为查明北部湾盆地油气运移方向及成藏模式,在涠西南凹陷选取有代表性的4口井进行储集层流体包裹体研究和系统的岩相学研究。

    To make sure the petroleum migrating direction and pool-forming model in the Weixinan sag , 4 wells were chosen to do research on fluid inclusions and petrography .

  28. 本文系统报道了它的地质学、岩相学、岩石化学和地球化学的特征,讨论了它的成因类型归属和所代表的大地构造环境问题。这些资料表明;

    The data of geology , Petrology , trace and rare earth element geochemistry of this rock is reported and used to discuss on petrogenic type and tectonic implication .

  29. 系统的岩相学研究表明,这些夕线石系由叶蜡石直接转变所成。这与岩观察吻合。

    Petrographic examination under the microscope showed that this kind of sillimanite is formed directly from the decomposition of pyrophyllite . And it is consistent with the petrographic observation .

  30. 以岩相学方法之一的晶体光学方法,分析确定了配合料、析晶结石的名称、特点。

    This paper analyzes and determines the names and characteristics of the batch and de - vitrification stones by the crystal-optics method which is one of the petrographic analysis methods .