
  1. 综述了从射电波段到X射线波段星暴星系的光度和光谱观测特征及其研究的最新进展。

    Then , we briefly summarize the photometric and spectral observation properties ( from radio to X-ray ), and the latest progress of starburst galaxies .

  2. Abell2634中心区域成员星系的光度函数

    Luminosity Functions for the Member Galaxies in the Central Region of Abell 2634

  3. Virgo星系团的光度函数和质量函数

    The Luminosity Function and Mass Function of the Virgo Cluster

  4. 对于给定形态的星系,在给定光度(或恒星质量)处其大小的分布较好的遵从一对数正态函数,因此可由其中值R和弥散σ(lnR)两个参数加以定量描述。

    For each type of galaxy , the size distribution at given luminosity ( or stellar mass ) is well described by a log-normal function , characterized by its median R and dispersion InR .

  5. 星系团成员星系光度函数及其动力学

    The Luminosity Function for the Member Galaxies and the Dynamics of the Clusters

  6. 在早型的以发光天体为主体的盘状星系中,根据光度分布规律可以得到面密度分布。

    The mass distribution of surface density can be derived from the laws of surface luminosity distribution for earlier-type discoid galaxies , of which the main contents are bright .

  7. 这样,一些较侧向的Sc星系就会被错分类到早型星系中。结果还直接表明:如果星系分类只是在图像上进行,则各类星系的光度函数就会出现偏差。

    Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually .