
  • 网络age effect;aging effect
  1. 浮现理论及其对第二语言获得年龄效应的新解释

    The Emergentist Theory and Its New Explanation for the Age Effect of Second Language Acquisition

  2. 青海云杉扦插的年龄效应及其生根机理研究

    Study on the age effect of cutting propagation of Picea crassifolia and its rooting mechanism

  3. 悬铃木硬枝扦插年龄效应及对-αNAA处理的响应

    The Age-Effects of Hardwood-Cutting of Platanus orientalis and Its Rooting Response to α - NAA

  4. 红皮云杉人工林材性与年龄效应

    The relation of plantation timber and age of red dragon spruce

  5. 儿童口语词汇获得年龄效应

    Study on age of acquisition of children 's spoken words

  6. 中国男性外周血淋巴细胞年龄效应的研究

    The Analysis of Age Effects in Lymphocytes from Chinese Men

  7. 趋向速度能力的职业差异与年龄效应

    Differences in the closure speed abilities of various professions and their age-effects

  8. Y染色质阳性率的年龄效应

    Effect of Age on the Frequency of Y-chromatin Positive Cell

  9. ⑶年龄效应不显著;

    ⑶ the effect of age was not significant ;

  10. 词汇习得年龄效应的研究进展

    The Research Development of the Age - of - Acquisition Effect in Lexical Processing

  11. 前瞻记忆的年龄效应

    The Effect of Age on Prospective Memory

  12. 汉语词汇习得的年龄效应:语义假设的证据

    Age of Acquisition Effects in Reading Chinese : Evidence in Favor of the Semantic Hypothesis

  13. 儿童对汉语成语的内隐记忆也不存在年龄效应;儿童对唐诗和儿歌内隐记忆不存在年龄效应;

    We also want to open up the real phenomenon in children 's Chinese language implicit memory .

  14. 扦插繁殖的母株年龄效应明显,其生根率的差异达显著水平;

    The maternal plant age effect of the cutting propagation is obvious and the rooting rate difference is significant ;

  15. 该研究从年龄效应这一独特视角探讨了内隐序列学习的表征机制。

    The article discusses the representation mechanisms of implicit learning of sequence knowledge by testing the effects of aging .

  16. 另外,三个实验以考察内隐学习的年龄效应为主线,逐层进行会聚操作,研究显示表征机制和注意的作用可能呈多水平状态。

    Converging operations are designed hierarchically to detect aging effects of implicit learning , which is the cue in these three experiments .

  17. 这表明秦岭大熊猫家域的季节、性别和年龄效应动态规律性明显。

    This indicated the dynamic regularity of the effect of season , sex and age on the home range area of the giant panda .

  18. “背篼”个人受教育水平存在著明显的年龄效应、性别差异,并受家庭地理位置和经济状况的影响,但不存在明显的地区差异。

    Their educational level shows significant age-group effects and gender differences and is affected by household geographic location and economic conditions , but there are no distinct regional disparities .

  19. 第三部分实验主要是针对形成的图画完形测验进行信、效度检验,并分析趋向速度能力的年龄效应。

    The third is concerned with the reliability and validity of the Picture Completion test , and analysis of the age effects in the " Closure Speed " ability .

  20. 儿童类比推理发展的年龄效应显著,3岁儿童正确解决问题类比推理的成绩达最高可能成绩的60%,4岁儿童基本具备了问题类比推理的能力,5岁则完全形成了类比能力。

    The score of those subjects who are around 3 years old amounts to 60 percent . 4-year-old children have primarily acquired the ability of analogical reasoning in problem solving .

  21. 青海云杉硬枝插条生根存在年龄效应和位置效应,青海云杉硬枝插条生根率和根系效果指数均随母株年龄的增大而降低;

    Hardwood cutting rooting of Qinghai spruce exist age effect and position effect , hardwood cutting rooting rate and root effect index of Qinghai spruce both are increasing with mother-plants aged increase ;

  22. 情绪理解和亲社会行为对儿童同伴接纳的影响存在一定的年龄效应,情绪解码能力是年幼儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量,亲社会行为则是年长儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量。

    For children under 5 years of age , emotion decoding was the best predictor of social preference , while prosocial behavior was the best predictor of peer acceptance for older children .

  23. 结合相关的工作基础,研究结果还进一步证实高水平视觉认知加工所表现出的练习效应和年龄效应在大脑神经网络上的分布是不平衡的。

    Additionally , combined with previous work done by the authors , the results also verified that the imbalance of the practice effect and the age effect was distributed on the cerebral neural network .

  24. 在模型中考虑的固定效应有年龄效应和性别柸禾鍠年度效应、随机效应有个体的加性效应和个体永久性环境效应。

    Multiple traits of BLUP were used to get estimates of total breeding values ( TBV ) of all goats . The model included age and sex-herd-year as fixed effects , and individual additive effect and individual permanent environment as random effects .

  25. 本实验以昆明白小鼠作为研究母体年龄效应的动物模型,比较了不同年龄段小鼠卵母细胞的数量、质量及体外发育能力等,以探讨与衰老相关生育力下降的机制。

    Using KM mouse as a animal model for studies on the maternal age effect , we compared quantity , quality and in vitro developmental competence of oocytes from different age groups of mice to elucidate the possible mechanism of the decline in ageing-associated fertility .

  26. 在安全感的确定控制因子上,年龄主效应显著。

    In the sense of security to determine the control factor , age , a significant main effect .

  27. 结果表明,农村居民的教育水平存在着明显的年龄组效应、性别效应和地区效应,家庭经济条件仍旧是影响教育获得的一个重要因素;

    The result indicates that educational level in rural inhabitants shows distinct age-group , gender and region difference .

  28. 失业人员主观幸福感的性别和年龄主效应显著,男性失业人员在自我接受、知足充裕、人际适应和总幸福感上显著低于女性失业人员。

    Male unemployed personnel in self-accept , contentment , interpersonal adaptability and abundant in total well-being is significantly lower than women unemployed personnel .

  29. 温度与棉株生理年龄的协同效应对棉纤维发育的影响

    Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Cotton Physiological Age on Fibre Development

  30. 培育年龄与边缘效应对龙芽楤木根皮产量的影响

    Effects of Nurturing Age and Edge Effect on Root Bark Yield of Aralia elata