
  • 网络Spray Drying;Spray Drying Method;SDA
  1. 喷雾干燥法合成介孔硅中pH对结构的影响

    The effect of pH on the structure of mesoporous silica composed with the method of spray drying

  2. 喷雾干燥法对HCl的净化效率较高,而对SO2的净化效率相对较低。

    And the purification efficiency is higher than that of SO_2 by using the spray drying method .

  3. 以偏钨酸铵(AMT)为原料,采用喷雾干燥法结合氢气还原方法成功制备出球形钨粉。

    The spherical tungsten powder was fabricated by spray-drying method combined with hydrogen reduction using ammonium metatungstate ( AMT ) as raw materials .

  4. 本文研究喷雾干燥法和无机胶化法制得PSZ粉末和陶瓷片,在不同介质及条件下Y2O3的溶解度。

    Y_2O_3 solubility in different media and conditions of PSZ powder and ceramic flat prepared by spray drying and inorganic jelling was studied .

  5. 通过控制适当的工艺参数,采用喷雾干燥法成功制备了VAE类可再分散聚合物粉末。

    One kind of VAE redispersible polymer powders were prepared by the method of spray drying with fit technical parameters .

  6. 喷雾干燥法处理水合ZrO2,通过动态反应,易获得细晶粒的球状颗粒,可避免粉末的团聚,且粉末分散性好、晶粒分布均匀。

    The ultra-fine powder prepared by spray drying method , through the dynamic reaction , not only can prohibit the agglomeration and be obtained easily , but also has well-distributed and good dispersibility .

  7. 确定了采用喷雾干燥法生产固体酶制剂的最优工艺条件:进口温度170℃、出口温度75℃、流量30kg·h-1。在此条件下,酶得率为68%。

    And the solid enzyme preparation technology-the spray-on process optimum conditions had been determined : the entrance temperature 170 ℃, the exit temperature 75 ℃, flow rate 30kg / h-1.At these conditions the enzyme productivity was 68 % .

  8. 结论:喷雾干燥法优于其它干燥方法;

    Conclusion : The spray drying process is the optimum one .

  9. 旋转喷雾干燥法脱除烟气中二氧化硫的研究

    Reserches on Removal of SO_2 in Stack Gas with Rotary Spray Dryer

  10. 喷雾干燥法生产颗粒保护渣的水分控制

    Moisture control of particle mould powder by the spray drying

  11. 生姜精油喷雾干燥法微胶囊化的研究

    Study of the Microencapsulation of Ginger Essential Oil by Spraying Drying Technique

  12. 研究了喷雾干燥法制造新型功能性物质&植物甾醇酯微胶囊化粉末的工艺和技术。

    This thesis studies the technology of spray drying microencapsulation of Phytosterol esters .

  13. 石灰石为脱硫剂喷雾干燥法烟气脱硫实验研究

    Experiments on Spray Dry Absorption Applied to Flue Gas Desulfurization by Using Limestone

  14. 喷雾干燥法与石灰石石膏法脱硫工艺比较

    The Comparison of Spray Dry Absorber FGD System with Limestone Gypsum FGD System

  15. 喷雾干燥法在垃圾焚烧尾气净化中的应用

    Spray Drying Process Applied in Tail Gas Puri ? cation of Refuse Incineration

  16. 工业锅炉喷雾干燥法排烟脱硫终产物的某些物化特性

    Some physicochemical specifics of the endproduct from flue gas desulfurization with spray dryer absorbers

  17. 结果:喷雾干燥法所得颗粒性状最优;

    Results : The best properties of the granules are from the spray drying process .

  18. 采用喷雾干燥法合成了超细、均匀、性能优越的铌酸镁(MgNb2O6)粉体。

    The superfine MgNb_2O_ 6 power with superior capability is synthesized by the spray_drying method .

  19. 喷雾干燥法处理水合氧化锆

    Hydrous ZrO_2 treated by spray drying method

  20. 中小型锅炉烟气汽流喷雾干燥法脱硫的研究

    Research on Desulfurization of flue gas from medium and small boilers by steam jet atomization drying

  21. 方法:采用喷雾干燥法和冷冻干燥法对刺五加多糖的含量的比较。

    Methods : To adopt spray dry method and freeze drying method to compare with different drying content .

  22. 冷冻干燥法优于喷雾干燥法,其质量分数测定采用苯酚-浓硫酸法,简便易行。

    The experiment results showed that the method of freeze dry is better than that of spray dray .

  23. 方法用喷雾干燥法将硝苯地平和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮制成固体分散物,再加入羟丙基甲基纤维素等制得硝苯地平缓释片。

    Methods Nifedipine sustained-released tablets were made with spray-dried solid dispersed phase of NFP and PVP mixed with HPMC .

  24. 试验了三种制备墨粉的方法,即球磨机球磨破碎法、喷雾干燥法和气流粉碎机粉碎法;

    Three methods are adopted to prepare the toner including ball milling , spray drying and pneumatic jet milling .

  25. 本文研究了以胡萝卜、大豆为主要原料,采用喷雾干燥法生产冲溶性良好的固体饮料。

    This experiment uses carrot and soybean as the main raw material , adopt spray-dried method to produce solid drink .

  26. 禽畜血液富含粗蛋白,目前常用的加工方法如喷雾干燥法,发酵法等存在产品消化率低,投资较大等问题,膨化处理能提高蛋白消化率。

    Blood of livestock is rich in crude protein . Extrusion processing may increase the protein digestibility ( PD ) .

  27. 微囊化的具体制备方法有乳液法、相分离法、喷雾干燥法、静电喷射法等。

    The common processing methods of microspheres incorporate emulsion , phase separation , spray drying , electrospraying and so on .

  28. 研究了嗜酸乳杆菌的高密度培养条件,并使用喷雾干燥法对嗜酸乳杆菌粉末发酵剂进行了制备。

    The conditions of high density culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and the production of starter powder were studied in this paper .

  29. 方法采用喷雾干燥法,研究并考察低糖型丹桂香颗粒的吸湿性和流动性。

    Method Prepareing technology of low-sugar Danguixiang granule on spraying dry law , and investigating hygroscopicity and mobility of lew-sugar Danguixiang granule .

  30. 本研究采用喷雾干燥法对番茄红素进行微胶囊包埋,以期改善番茄红素的不稳定性和水不分散性。

    In this paper studies were undertaken to get microencapsulated lycopene with storage stability and water dispersibility by means of spray drying technique .