
  • 网络Spray coating;Spray Grouts
  1. 镁质喷涂料在CSP连铸中间罐上的应用

    Application of magnesia coating material in tundish for CSP caster

  2. CSP流程中包干式料替代喷涂料的应用与研究

    Application and Research on tundish dry material replacing wet material in steel CSP Process

  3. 压铸FMC由数控压铸机、自动定量浇注机、自动取件机械手、铸型自动喷涂料装置和铸件外观成形检测装置等组成。

    The die casting FMC consists of the NC die casting machine , automatic dosing pouring device , automatic casting-fetching manipulator , automatic die spraying device and casting configuration checking device , etc.

  4. 中间包镁质喷涂料专用覆盖剂的研制与应用

    Development and application of cover agent for MgO based tundish coating

  5. 钢包不粘渣喷涂料的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Ladle Nonsticking Slag Used as Sprayed Material

  6. 氧化铝闪速焙烧炉用轻质喷涂料的研制

    Development of light-weight gunning mix for flash-calcining furnace for producing alumina

  7. 高性能陶瓷热喷涂料制备与性能研究

    Research Preparing and Function of High-performance Ceramic Coating for Thermo-spraying

  8. 蓝晶石对铝矾土基喷涂料性能的影响

    Effects of Kyanite Additions on Properties of Bauxite-based Gunning Refractory

  9. 耐火喷涂料在直接还原铁回转窑的应用

    Application of Refractory Coating to Rotary kiln in Direct Reducing Iron project

  10. 连铸中间罐工作衬喷涂料及其应用

    Spraying material for working lining of CC tundish its application

  11. 轻质耐火喷涂料的研制与使用

    Development and Application of Light - Weight Refractory Gunning Mix

  12. 热处理温度对焦宝石基喷涂料性能的影响

    Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Property of Hard Clay Based Gunning Castable

  13. 连铸中间包热喷涂料的研究

    Study of hot gunning materials for continuous casting tundish

  14. 烧结机大烟道内衬耐酸耐磨喷涂料的研制与应用

    Preparation and application of abrasion-resistant and acid-resistant spraying mix for large flue lining of sintering machine

  15. 不同粒度蓝晶石对铝矾土基喷涂料性能的影响藻青素颗粒,蓝藻素颗粒

    Effect of Different Particle Size of Kyanite on Properties of Bauxite Based Gunning Refractory cyanophycin granule

  16. 中间包镁钙质喷涂料及高钙覆盖剂对钢水洁净度的影响

    Influence of MgO-CaO based spraying material and Cao based cover flux for tundish on steel cleanness

  17. 轻质喷涂料的研制

    Development of Lightweight Spray Refractory

  18. 陶瓷喷涂料的研究,是现代表面工程研究的一个主要发展方向。

    The development of the ceramic coating is one the way on the modern surface engineering research .

  19. 为配合中间包镁质喷涂料的推广使用,研制了一种镁质喷涂料专用覆盖剂。

    A special cover agent for MgO based tundish coating was developed with good spreading and insulating properties .

  20. 铝酸钙水泥对焦宝石基喷涂料性能的影响

    Effect of Calcium Aluminate Cement Addition on Properties of Chinese Calcined Flint Clay Gunning Castable at Different Temperature

  21. 通过对含氧化铝微粉材料热处理试验,研究了两种不同粒径的氧化铝微粉对铝矾土基喷涂料性能的影响。

    On the basis of heat treatment tests , the effects of Alumina micro powder on the properties of bauxite gunning refractory were studied .

  22. 耐火喷涂料属不定形耐火材料,具有独特的成型方法和施工工艺,在工业炉窑上有着广泛的使用价值。

    The refractory coat-injecting materials belong to monolithic refractories and have a special forming process and construction techniques , and could be widely applied in industrial furnaces .

  23. 计算机在棕刚玉化学成分测定中的应用棕刚玉、铝矾土对焦宝石基喷涂料性能的影响

    On Application of Computer in Testing Data of Brown Alundum and Bauxite Effect of Brown Corundum and Bauxite on Properties of Chinese Calcined Flint Clay Gunning Refractory

  24. 分析了加热炉水冷梁外层耐火材料损毁机理,研制了新型耐火喷涂料,确定了水冷梁用半干法喷涂料的配方。

    The damage mechanism of outer refractory in water-Cooling beam of heating furnace is analysed . The new spraying coating is researched and the formulation of spraying coating is confirmed .

  25. 消失模铸造棕刚玉粉-滑石粉水基涂料的研究棕刚玉、铝矾土对焦宝石基喷涂料性能的影响

    Study on Water-based Coating of Brown Alumina Powder and French Chalk for Lost Foam Casting Effect of Brown Corundum and Bauxite on Properties of Chinese Calcined Flint Clay Gunning Refractory

  26. 本文介绍了两类新型耐火喷涂料的性能,以及它们在热风炉炉壳保护层和热风炉内衬修补上的应用。

    The properties of two new-type refracto-ry coat-injecting materials and their applications to the protection layer of hot-blast stove shell and inside lining repair of hot - blast stove have been introduced .

  27. 系统介绍了高炉喷涂维修的特点,喷涂料的选择要求,高炉遥控喷涂工艺及影响喷涂施工质量的因素。

    This paper overviews the characteristics of the gunning maintainance of the blast furnace , the choice of gunning monolithic materials , the remote control gunning process for the blast furnace and the factors influencing the gunning installation .

  28. 与传统的空气喷涂相比,高压无气喷涂具有涂层质量好、效率高、省涂料,少污染,可喷各种涂料等优点,适用于铸型涂料的喷涂。

    It has many advantages , such as high spraying efficiency , good coating quality , less coating consume and environment pollution etc.

  29. 这产品工业用水性喷房涂料,用以保护喷房壁板、窗户和部件,可阻挡油漆过喷。

    This product is a water-based thickened booth coating designed to protect paint booth walls , windows , and fixtures from paint overspray .

  30. 论述了目前国内涂装过程中常易忽视的几道辅助工序,并提出了打磨、抛光以及汽车车身涂装中涂密封胶、喷车底涂料和喷涂保护蜡等相关工艺要求和操作方法。

    This article has described several supplemental working procedures that are always overlooked in finishing process in domestic market and indicated the requirements and working procedures for sanding , polishing , sealing , priming and protective wax in finishing of automobile body .