
  1. 简要介绍了喷雾干燥脱硫技术的工艺原理、特点、流程及其在燃煤锅炉烟气SO2控制中的应用。

    The technological principle and process of spray dry desulfurization , and its application to flue gas SO_2 control are briefly described .

  2. 对石灰石脱硫、喷雾干燥脱硫以及湿式除尘脱硫一体化技术的脱硫效率、优缺点做了评述,并提出非技术性防治SO2污染的建议。

    The desulfurization efficiency , advantage and disadvantage of limestone desulfurization , spraying and drying desulfurization and comprehensive dedusting / desulfurization methods are reviewed . In the end , non-technical suggestion for decreasing SO2 emission is put forward .

  3. 添加剂在喷雾干燥脱硫中的应用

    Application of Additives in Spray Drying Absorption Flue Gas Desulfurization

  4. 喷雾干燥脱硫技术介绍

    Introduction on spray dry desulfurization technology

  5. 在典型的湿法烟气脱硫条件下,喷雾干燥脱硫产物中的亚硫酸钙非均相氧化动力学在中试装置中被研究。

    The heterogeneous oxidation kinetics of calcium sulphite in aqueous slurries of spray dry scrubber residues was studied in a pilot plant under typical conditions of wet flue gas desulphurization .

  6. 使用添加剂提高喷雾干燥脱硫系统的脱硫效率具有操作简单、成本低、功效明显等优点。

    Using additive to improve desulfurization efficiency in spray drying absorption flue gas desulfurization ( SDAFGD ) has many merits , such as simple operation , low cost and obvious effect .

  7. 喷雾干燥烟气脱硫技术的数值模拟

    Numberical Simulation Study of Flue Gas Desulphurization by Spray Drying

  8. 新型喷雾干燥烟气脱硫性能实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Performance of New Type Spray Drying Flue-gas Desulfurization

  9. 喷雾干燥烟气脱硫工艺对细颗粒排放特性影响的试验研究

    Influence of Spray-drying Flue Gas Desulfurization Technology on Emission Characteristics of Fine Particles

  10. 中小型锅炉烟气汽流喷雾干燥法脱硫的研究

    Research on Desulfurization of flue gas from medium and small boilers by steam jet atomization drying

  11. 运行参数对喷雾干燥烟气脱硫效率影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Certain Operating Parameters 0n Desulfurization Efficiency During a Spray Drying Absorption Process

  12. 石灰浆雾化喷嘴是喷雾干燥烟气脱硫装置的核心部件,对烟气脱硫有着重要的影响。

    The lime white spray nozzle is the core part of drying haze desulphurization installment , which has the significant influence to the haze desulphurization .

  13. 石灰石为脱硫剂喷雾干燥法烟气脱硫实验研究

    Experiments on Spray Dry Absorption Applied to Flue Gas Desulfurization by Using Limestone

  14. 工业锅炉喷雾干燥法排烟脱硫终产物的某些物化特性

    Some physicochemical specifics of the endproduct from flue gas desulfurization with spray dryer absorbers

  15. 喷雾干燥法烟气脱硫技术具有占地面积小、无二次污染、无腐蚀及又有脱硫效率较高等优点而得到较为广泛的应用,但作为其技术支撑的喷雾干燥净化机理的研究却显得相对落后。

    Compared to other methods , spray drying FGD ( Flue Gas Desulphurization ) technology is wider application for its low occupying space , no erode and good removal effect , but as its technical support for the spray drying purification mechanism is relatively backward .