
  • 网络Cyclonic Storm;CYCLONE;IMD
  1. 山东省9216号强热带气旋风暴期间的海岸侵蚀灾害

    Erosional disasters caused by storm surge during no.6216 strong tropical cyclone along Shandong coast

  2. 今天,气旋风暴“斐林”侵袭印度东海岸,数万人被迫撤离。

    Cyclone Phailin slammed into India 's eastern coast today , hundreds of thousands are displaced .

  3. 一份审视了气候变化可能的人道主义后果的报告发现了全球的气候变化“热点地区”。这组作者刻画了与气候变化有关的特定风险,把重点放在洪水、气旋风暴和干旱上。

    The authors mapped specific hazards associated with climate change , focusing on floods , cyclones and droughts .

  4. 气旋风暴“费林”侵袭印度东部,造成城镇被淹没,电力供应受影响,数万座房屋被毁。

    In eastern India , cyclone Pailin has left trail of flooded towns , tangled powerlines and tens of thousands of destroyed houses .

  5. 台风是发生在热带洋面上的一种强烈的暖性气旋性风暴,是威胁船舶安全航行的最严重的灾害性天气系统之一。

    Typhoon , a kind of strong warm cyclonic storms occurring over tropical oceans , is one of the most seriously disastrous weather systems .

  6. 本文根据影响湛江的典型热带气旋和风暴潮增水资料,系统地分析了热带气旋登陆地点、路径等要素和湛江港增水的关系。

    This paper systematically analyzes the relation between the surge at Zhanjiang Harbor and the elements of the tropical cyclone such as the landing location and path with some relevant data .

  7. 声音2:这场被称为“锡德气旋”的风暴摧毁了数千个村庄。

    Voice 2 : This cyclone , called cyclone Sidr destroyed thousands of villages .

  8. 台风、温带气旋引起的风暴潮和海浪灾害是造成中国沿海重大海洋灾害的主要致灾因素。

    Storm surges and waves caused by typhoon and temperate cyclone are the main hazard inducers .

  9. 天文台每小时接收由日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星拍摄的卫星云图。这些图像可以显示逼近华南沿岸的热带气旋、强烈风暴和锋面系统。

    Hourly cloud pictures received from the geostationary meteorological satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones , severe storms and frontal systems approaching the South China coast .

  10. 温带气旋诱发的渤海风暴潮天气分析

    Weather analysis of Bohai sea storm surge caused by extratropical cyclone

  11. 热带气旋主要是热带风暴、强热带风暴和台风的总称。

    Tropical cyclone is a general term of tropical storm , severe tropical storm and typhoon .

  12. 热带气旋及其引起的风暴潮自古以来一直是我国东南沿海地区的主要自然灾害之一。

    Tropical cyclone and the storm-high tide raised by tropical cyclone always is the one of major natural disasters in the southeast coastal area of china .

  13. 其余几次中气旋维持时间很短,产生这些中气旋的风暴不一定产生冰雹等强天气,预报时可在中气旋强度的基础上,结合环境条件和雷达的其它产品分析判断。

    The others appeared in a short time , and were not always associated with severe weather depending on the strength of the mesocyclone as well as weather situation and the other products of radar .