
  • 网络The Boys in the Band
  1. 嗯,他跟一些比他大的玩乐队的男孩成为了朋友。

    Man : Well , he 's become friends with a couple of older boys who are in a band .

  2. 这些音乐包括美国黑人说唱歌手MC。哈默、金发美女乐队、沙滩男孩乐队和蒂娜-特娜等艺人的流行卡拉ok歌

    Tracks include popular karaoke favorites by artists such as MC Hammer , Blondie , The Beach Boys and Tina Turner 。

  3. 我的爱好还有听音乐,我最喜欢的乐队是西城男孩。

    My a fondness for still has already listen to music , my most favorite music band is the west city boy .

  4. 紧随其后的是电影《单身男子》中的男星尼古拉斯·霍尔特和英国演员道格拉斯·布斯,后者以其在电视电影《乔治男孩》中饰演的文化俱乐部乐队主唱乔治男孩一角而广为人知。

    Johnson was followed by " A Single Man " star Nicholas Hoult at number two and English actor Douglas Booth , best known for his turn as Culture Club frontman Boy George in TV flick " Worried About the Boy . "

  5. 我最喜欢的乐队是“后街男孩”。

    My favorite group is back street boys .

  6. 其他上榜者还包括流行歌手迈克尔·杰克逊和乐队组合“野蛮男孩”的成员迈克·戴蒙德。

    Others included pop star Michael Jackson and nasal-voiced rapper Mike Diamond of the Beastie Boys .

  7. 一张幻灯片分条说明了下一年的发布计划:一个季度将推出一个尚未宣布的“男孩乐队一”的一首单曲,下一个季度将预告“女孩乐队”和“男孩乐队二”的新唱片发布。

    One slide breaks down planned releases for the year ahead : one quarter will bring a single from the as yet unannounced " boy band I , " while the next will herald releases from " girl band " and " boy band II . "