
  • 网络internal epuilibrium
  1. 影响我国内外部均衡的政策实施环境

    The Environment Influencing Internal and External Equilibrium Policies in China

  2. 我国内外部均衡关系初探

    Probing into the Relationship between Internal and External Equilibrium of Our Country

  3. 在对二者关系的研究中,国内非均衡与国际非均衡之间的相互传导机理又成为了本研究重点。

    So this essay focuses on the relation between the domestic and international unbalance , especially the mutual conduction mechanism .

  4. 汇率目标区的基准汇率应选择均衡汇率,理论上这种均衡汇率应是能同时反映一国内外部均衡的汇率。

    The benchmark rate of the target zone should be an equilibrium rate which can reflects both of internal and external equilibrium simultaneously .

  5. 有可能是由于政府不恰当的宏观经济政策而导致一国内外均衡发生冲突,也有可能来自于市场参与者理性或非理性的预期转变。

    They may be domestic factors or foreign disturbances , including mistaken macroeconomic policies leading to conflicts between internal and external equilibria or a sudden shift of market expectation .

  6. 本文的亮点在于借鉴了国内外的均衡汇率决定理论,构建了中国的人民币均衡汇率决定模型;

    The highlight of the paper lies in using foreign and domestic equilibrium exchange rate theories as reference to build Chinese RMB equilibrium exchange rate model .

  7. 在商品市场上,打破了原有的国内货币市场均衡状态,货币供应量的增加最终会引起物价水平的上涨。

    In the commodities market , breaking the existing domestic money market equilibrium , the increase in money supply would ultimately lead to a rising price level .

  8. 第一,保持合理增长速度,防范经济过热;第二,减少外部冲击和依赖,实现国内国外经济均衡发展;第三,加强区域、地区间的协调和配合,促进地区从分割走向整合。

    First , maintain a reasonable growth rate and prevent overheating ; second , reduce external shocks and dependence and balance economy between here and abroad ; third , strengthen inter-regional coordination and cooperation and promote regional integration .

  9. 由于目前国内外非均衡信贷配给理论上不完善,本文仅从我国出发进行阐释,同时从多方面对非均衡信贷配给与我国经济增长进行实证分析;

    Because the present domestic and foreign non - balanced credits rationing theory is imperfect , this article only embarks from our country to explain , at the same time carries on the empirical analysis of correlation between the non - balanced credit rationing and our country economical growth ;

  10. 进口增长与国内产业的短期均衡

    Importation Increase and Short-run Equilibrium of National Industry

  11. 供给曲线和国内市场上的均衡价格是衡量各国产品竞争力的基本指标。

    The curve of supply and balanced price on domestic market are the essential index to measure product competitiveness of all countries .

  12. 本文利用对策论和微分技术对国内同质产品市场均衡进行了分析。

    This paper applies the theory of game and differential technology to analyse a general equilibrium in the market of homogeneous products .

  13. 就中国而言,存在着利用外资来源国的不均衡和外资在国内分布的不均衡。

    In China this imbalance exists in the respect of foreign investment utilization source country and the respect of foreign investment domestic distribution .

  14. 通过对国内外现有的均衡方案进行分析,提出了适合机车铅酸蓄电池的检测及均衡方案,实现了对单体电池电压自动循环检测和自动均衡功能。

    Through analyzes the current equalization methods , regarding locomotive Lead-acid batteries proposes appropriate detection and equalization methods , achieve single cell voltage automatic cycle detection and automatic equalization .