
  1. 长期因素有黄金的货币属性、存量及储蓄;

    Long-term factors include currency property , common commodity property , storage quantity and stock quantity of gold .

  2. 如果黄金的货币属性继续得到追捧而大宗商品行情受到打压,未来黄金价格超越铂金也可能成为常态。

    It could be normal that gold is more expensive than platinum if investors pursue gold as currency , while commodities enter correction .

  3. 相对于黄金的货币属性和投资属性而言,黄金还具有商品属性,即以其自然属性为依托作为一种特殊矿产材料能满足生产和生活需要的基本属性。

    Related to the currency and investment properties of gold , it also has a merchandise property , which means , depending on its natural quality , it can be a special mineral material for satisfying the requirements of production and life .

  4. 黄金由于其独特的货币属性、商品属性、金融属性等特征被广泛应用于各种领域,历来备受社会的瞩目。

    Gold are widely used in various fields due to its unique monetary property , goods property , financial property and other features , having always got the worlds ' much attention .

  5. 因此黄金储备的增减只是对黄金的商品属性产生作用并没有影响黄金的货币属性,也就没有影响黄金与国际本位币的比价,对黄金的长期价格不会产生影响。

    So gold reserves increase or decrease only commodity attribute to the gold effect and has no effect on monetary attributes of gold , also did not affect the price of gold and the international currency , affect the price of gold will not be long .