
  • 网络landscape design
  1. 如何在一个项目实践中分阶段展开声音风景设计

    How to Practise the Sound Landscape Design in a Real Project

  2. 对风景设计的追求是要创造出与日常生活截然不同的特别之处。

    Landscape design seeks to create a special place that is separated from the distractions of everyday life .

  3. 城市边缘大型居住区规划设计探析&中山万科城市风景设计

    Exploration of Planning and Design for Large Residential District in Outskirts of City : Zhongshan Wanke City Views Design

  4. 现代风景园林设计越来越科学化、人性化,其核心就是引入了生态科学的系统思想和方法。

    Modern landscape architecture becomes more and more scientific and human .

  5. 论风景园林设计平面构成的拓扑性质

    On the topological property of plane construction of landscape architecture design

  6. 风景园林设计原理课程是园林专业重要的理论课。

    Landscape design principles is an important theoretical course to landscape major .

  7. 有机设计&基于自然原型的风景园林设计方法

    Organic Design & Landscape Design Method Based on Natural Prototype

  8. 以色列风景园林设计先驱&施罗墨·阿龙森

    A Pioneer of Landscape Design in Israel & Shlomo Aronson

  9. 法国现代风景园林设计先驱雅克·西蒙

    The Pioneer of the French Modern Landscape Architect Jacques Simon

  10. 也谈风景园林设计的标准

    Discussion of the Criteria of Landscape Architectural Design

  11. 基于地域特征的风景园林设计

    Landscape Architecture Design Based on Regional Features

  12. 乡土之路&杰佛里·巴瓦的风景园林设计探索之路解析

    Provincialism & Analysis of the Path to the Research of Landscape Design by Geoffrey Bawa

  13. 地域性风景园林设计探讨&以湖南株洲天池公园总体规划为例

    Preliminary Study on Regional Landscape Planning & Landscape Planning of Tianchi Park in Zhuzhou , Hunan

  14. 风景园林设计的三基元探析

    Three Basic Elements of Landscape Design

  15. 目的是培养学生掌握新的学习方法,提高设计技能和创造能力。引导学生进入园林设计的思维领域,成为一名优秀的风景园林设计专业人员。

    It aims to improve students ' design skill and creativity and prepare them for excellent landscape architects .

  16. 目前,我国高速公路风景道设计方法及规划内容没有现成的模式。

    At present , there are not existing patterns of landscape design method and planning content in China .

  17. 总体而言,在建设的预期增长,预计从长远来看,风景园林设计服务的需求增加。

    Overall , anticipated growth in construction is expected to increase demand for landscape architectural services over the long run .

  18. 是否可能将现有的“通过设计做研究”的经验应用到风景园林设计领域中来?为什么?

    Is it possible to make existing RTD experience applicable in the field of landscape architecture designing ? and why ?

  19. 化腐朽为神奇的融合与生长&废弃物在现代风景园林设计中的材料表达

    Integration and Growth in Change Triteness into Novelty & Take the Reject as the Material in Modern Scenery Landscape Design

  20. 城市开放空间风景园林设计与城市记忆研究&深圳中心区公园设计案例

    Landscape Design of City Open Space and Study of City Memory & Case Study of the Design of Shenzhen Central Park

  21. 在风景园林设计中,植物是重要的造景元素,竹则是植物中独具特色的一类,因而具有其他植物不可替代的作用。

    Plants are essential elements in Landscape Architecture . More over , bamboo is one of the most unique landscape plants .

  22. 植物是风景园林设计中重要的景观元素之一,植物景观也因其独特的生命力而成为风景园林的重要内容。

    While as plant is an important element of landscape design , plant landscape is the unique part of landscape design .

  23. 是首都地区拥有建筑工程设计甲级、规划设计乙级和风景园林设计乙级资质的股份制设计公司。

    UA Design has obtained class-A qualification for engineering design , class-B qualification for planning design and class-B qualification for landscape design .

  24. 虚拟现实技术应用于风景园林设计中,为我们观察客观世界的特征与行为提供了有力支持;

    The application of Virtual reality technology for landscape architecture design , provides strong support for us to observe the characteristics and behavior of the objective world .

  25. 在分析现代风景园林设计传统回归趋势的基础上,对传统民居元素如何与现代风景园林设计相结合进行了探讨。

    Base on analyzing the trend of traditional regress of the modern landscape architecture design , discusses how to integrate the traditional folk house element with the modern garden design .

  26. 它们是德国风景园林设计和规划领域目前最好的实例,从而很好地反映了德国风景园林行业现在的工作领域。

    They are the very best examples of present day practice in landscape architecture , both design and planning , and give an excellent idea of the scope of professional work in Germany today .

  27. 在论文第二章主要论述了风景园林设计方式从视觉思维到数字化思维,从二维世界到多维世界的过程,揭示出虚拟现实工具出现的必要性。

    Chapter ⅱ mostly deals with the changing process of landscape garden design ways from the visual thought to digital thought , from two-dimensional to multidimensional world , and reveals the need for virtual reality .

  28. 丘奇等加州现代园林设计师群体被称为加利福尼亚学派,其设计思想和手法对今天美国和世界的风景园林设计有深远的影响。

    The group of modern California landscape architects include Church was named as California School whose idea and style has a powerful and widespread influence in landscape design of today in America and all over the world .

  29. 虽然,虚拟现实技术目前在风景园林设计中的应用仅出于探索时期,但随着技术的成熟,其对风景园林设计影响必将更大。

    Although virtual reality technology is currently in the application in landscape garden design only for the exploration period , with the development of the technology , its impact on the landscape garden design will be even greater .

  30. 希望通过玄学与魏晋园林艺术的研究,在对魏晋的园林艺术和中国山水文化的脉络发展有更深入的了解的同时,还能够对当代风景园林设计起到一定的参考作用。

    It will enable readers not only to have a better understanding of Wei and Jin gardens and the developing backbone of Chinese landscape culture , but also to offer some hints and suggestion for the contemporary landscape design .