
  • 网络international boxing federation;ibf;AIBA
  1. 邹市明第一次对世界冠军发起冲击的时候并不成功,在2015年3月于澳门举行的国际拳击联合会比赛中,邹市明不敌阿姆纳特·雷恩伦。

    Zou failed his first world title attempt when he was defeated in Macao by Amnat Ruenroeng in March 2015 for the IBF title .

  2. 加西士是二零零四年国际拳击联合会初中量级的世界冠军,但在他六岁之时,他被叛军绑架为乌干达的孩童士兵;

    Kassim " The Dream " Ouma is the2004 IBF Junior Middleweight champion of the world , and a former Ugandan child soldier who was abducted into a rebel army at the age of six .