
  • 网络Yoff;Yoffe;Yof;JOUF
  1. 由约夫的伟大儿子送还她丈夫,

    Whom Joves great Son to her glad Husband gave ,

  2. 但是照神学诗人们看,天帝约夫并不比山峰高。

    But for the theological poets Jove was no higher than the mountain peaks .

  3. 这期间他遇见了三个流浪汉:约夫,米亚和斯凯特。他引导他们穿过森林以躲避瘟疫。

    He encounters a trio of wandering players-Jof , Mia , and Skat-and conducts them through the forest to avoid the plague .

  4. 因为每一个异教民族都有自己的约夫天帝,而埃及人却凭一种虚骄讹见,说他们的天帝阿蒙再一起天帝之中时最古老的一个。

    For every gentile nation had its Jove , and the Egyptians had the conceit to say that their Jove Ammon was the most ancient of them all .

  5. 由于布洛克转移了死神的注意力,约夫和米亚携最终孩子逃离了出去,但他和侍从却被困在了城堡中,并被死神拖入“死亡之舞”的圆阵中。

    Subsequently , he diverts Death 's attention so that Jof and Mia can escape with their baby while he and his company are trapped in his castle and forced to join in the Dance of Death .