
  • 网络angry young men;Angry Young Man;The Delinquent
  1. 相较英国战后那些“愤怒青年”作家——比如金斯利·埃米斯、约翰·奥斯本和他人而言,西利托显得卓尔不群。这份独特,和那一成不变的烟斗无关,和那一口诺丁汉腔的乡音无关,也和他那友善却令人尴尬的眼神无关。

    Alongside the " Angry Young Men " of post-war literary Britain - Kingsley Amis , John Osborne and the rest - he cut a different figure . It was not the constant pipe , or the Nottingham vowels , or the friendly but disconcerting stare .

  2. 这位愤怒青年的发言占据了六章经文,总共165节。

    What did this angry young man say in six chapters-165 verses ?

  3. 受过教育但失业的愤怒青年已经成为阿拉伯之春的一大推动力量。

    The anger of the many educated but unemployed young people has been a driving force in the Arab Spring movement .

  4. 《中国青年报》的一位评论家写到:这本书是“从愤怒青年和愤怒的老人口袋中赚钱”的一种方法。

    The book is a way to " fish money from the pockets of the angry youth and angry elderly ," wrote one critic in the China Youth Daily .

  5. 无论是独善其身也好,兼济天下也好,除了做“愤怒青年”,还应当有“奋斗青年”的理想。

    Nomatter to improve yourself , or care about the whole society , except to be " angry youth ", we should have an ideal of been " struggle youth " .

  6. 愤怒的青年与垮掉的一代之比较研究

    A Comparative Study in The Angry Young Men and The Beat Generation

  7. 愤怒的青年与现实主义手法

    Angry Young Men and Realism in Fiction Writing

  8. 在北京最大的噩梦里,这些愤怒的青年人可以危害国家。

    In Beijing 's worst nightmare , these angry young men could turn against the state .

  9. 愤怒的青年:五十年代的一群英国作家,他们的作品表达了对社会强烈抗议的特点。

    Angry young man : One of a group of English writers of the 1950 's whose works are characterized by vigorous social protest .

  10. 这也就是说,不仅金斯利?艾米斯本人,还有其他同时代的愤怒的青年都觉察到英国文化有些不对劲,他们想要改变。

    It means that not only Kingsley Amis but also other Angry Young Men feel something wrong with their culture , they want to change .

  11. 部长说,他年轻时如果愤怒的青年一词出现了的说,他就被归为这一类人了。

    The minister said that in his youth , if the term had been invented then , he would have been classed as an angry young man .

  12. 小说具有强烈的批判意识,是二战后英国重要文学流派愤怒的青年的滥觞之作。

    Strong critical consciousness is the characteristics of the novel , which shows the resentment from those youths representing the important literary fractions in England after the World War ⅱ .

  13. 对英国社会的影响可以分成五方面:第一,青年文化导致一个新的文学流派的出现,即愤怒的青年,从而使得五、六十年代的文学作品区别于其他时期的作品。

    The influences on British society can be divided into five aspects : Firstly , it gives birth to a new school of literature & the Angry Young Men , making the literature in the 50s and the 60s distinctive from that of other eras .