
  • 网络all-pass filter;all pass filter;APF
  1. 基于全通滤波器的IIR陷波器在抑制电力线通信中的谐波干扰的研究

    The Study of Rejecting Harmonic Interference in Power Line Communication Using IIR Notch Filter Based on All-Pass Filter

  2. 一种数字全通滤波器的改进设计方法

    Improved digital all-pass filter design

  3. 本文进一步研究了应用全通滤波器实现均匀N带滤波器组的设计理论。

    The theory of uniform filter banks using all-pass filters is further developed .

  4. 本文考虑在Chebyshev准则下全通滤波器的设计问题。

    The problem of designing all-pass phase networks using Chebyshev criterion is considered .

  5. WarpedDCT是常规的DCT和一阶全通滤波器的级联,可以通过调整全通滤波器的控制参数来调整频率的卷曲。

    The Warped DCT is a cascade connection of a conventional DCT and first-order all-pass filters whose parameters can be adjusted to provide frequency warping .

  6. 该文在分析并行时间交替采样信号频谱的基础上,给出了时间误差的测量方法,并采用FARROW结构的全通滤波器实现时间误差校正。

    After analyzing the signal spectrums , this paper proposed a method to measure and verify the time-skew errors .

  7. 薄膜干涉型光学全通滤波器的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Thin Film Optical All - pass Filters

  8. 全通滤波器的相移和群延迟性质

    The phase shift and group delay of all pass filter

  9. 在得到理论的色散曲线后,接着介绍了两种不同的光全通滤波器结构,即环形器结构和双光纤准直器结构。

    After the dispersion graph , architectures of circulator and two-fiber collimator are shown .

  10. 双二次全通滤波器的快速实用设计

    Rapid practical designs of dual secondary allpass filters

  11. 介绍了一种改进的数字全通滤波器的设计方法。该方法是基于复倒谱和平稳最小相位序列之间的关系提出的。

    The improved method is based on the relation between the complex Cepstrum and the stable minimum - phase sequence .

  12. 在地球物理信号数字处理中占有重要地位的全通滤波器,完全由其相移和群延迟决定。

    All pass filter , which is very important in geophysical signal processing , is completely determined by its phase shift and group delay .

  13. 通过使全通滤波器传递函数分母的群延迟在加权最小均方意义下近似理想的群延迟,导出复倒谱的计算公式。

    Given the desired group delay , the complex Cepstrum coefficients are computed in such a way thatthedenominatorgroup delay is approximated in the WeightedLeast Square sense .

  14. 为了满足线性相位,通常要加全通滤波器进行相位校正,这同样增加了滤波器的阶数和复杂性。

    For satisfying linear phase and amplitude frequency characteristics , we must add all-pass filter to revise phase . So it increases complexity and order of filter .

  15. 根据该电路模型和理论可以产生多种滤波器结构。每一种结构可以实现低通、带通、高通、带阻及全通滤波器或其中的多种滤波器。

    Various structures of filters , including lowpass , bandpass , highpass , bandstop and allpass filters , can be produced by means of the proposed model and theory .

  16. 该方法将数字陷波器等效成为一个全通滤波器减去一个由基本频率单元构成的点通滤波器,进而推导出计算数字陷波器冲激响应的数学公式。

    As the trap filter is equal to an all-pass filter minus a point-pass filter composed of approximate triangle shaped elementary frequency unit , the formula of calculating the impulse response of digital trap filter is induced .

  17. 然后,通过适当选择无源网络的结构以及元件,构成新型电流型标准二阶滤波器,即低通、高通、带通、带阻和全通滤波器及其传递函数。

    According to choose the construct and the element parameter of passive network , the new type standard second-order current-mode filter , i. e. lowpass , highpass , bandpass , band eliminate , allpass and their transfer function is obtained .

  18. 本文提出了实现一阶电流滤波器的新电路,该电路使用了一个第二代电流传送器(CCⅡ)和最少量的无源元件,实现了一阶低通、高通和全通电流滤波器。

    His paper deals with the new first-order current-mode filters which use single sec-ond-generation current-conveyor ( CC ⅱ) and minimum passive components . These circuits can be used to realize first-order low-pass , high-pass and all-pass current filters .

  19. 该滤波器电路包含n+2个有源器件、n个电容及n+4个电阻,可以产生n阶低通、带通、高通、带阻及全通电流模式滤波器。

    The filter circuit which contains n + 2 active elements , n capacitors and n + 4 resistors can produce nth order lowpass , bandpass , highpass , bandstop and allpass filters .

  20. 同时提出基于贝塞尔滤波器的全通恒时延滤波器,其幅度特性恒定,而且在低频范围内具有恒定的延迟时间。

    A all-pass with constant time delay based on Bessel filter is Put forward at the same time , its amplitude response is constant , there are constant relay time within the scope of low frequency .

  21. 每一种电路除了能实现出单输出的低通、带通、高通、带阻、全通电流模式滤波器外,还能实现三种不同类型的具有同时多输出的电流模式滤波器。

    Based on either kind of configuration , not only the low-pass , band-pass , high-pass , band-stop and a all-pass filters with single output can be realized , but also three types of multi-output current mode filters can be implemented .