- electric network

Application of Matlab to Node Analysis of Large Electric Network
The Software Design for Founding the State Equation of RLC Electric Network over the Field of the Rational Functions in Multi-parameters
The principle and implementation of electrical ─ network ─ simulation of m / m / c queueing system
It is the conclusion by electrical networks research over F ( z ) .
Analysing Structure Properties of RLC Electrical Network Over F ( z ) with Computer
In order to study the electrical networks structural property over F ( z ), we often use its state equation .
In this paper , a network model consisted of MHD channel equivalent circuit and LC consolidation circuit is presented .
Aim : To investigate the regulatory network of hippocampal-systemic arterial blood pressure during epileptic network reestablishment .
The results of theoretical research show that , although it is impossible in general cases that all k-branch sets are testable for practical electrical networks , some multiple-faults can be uniquely located .
A general method is presented for generating the directed k-tree polynomial of the directed graph associated to an active electrical network by means of its multi-level vertex tearing and its corresponding directed k-hypertree polynomial .
Based on the theory of electrical networks , a computer program is compiled for analysis the topology of RLC networks .
R-C electric network model of layered aquifer
In this paper , author uses rational function matrix in multi-parameters ( also named matrix over F ( z )) to describe electrical networks , studies its structural controllability and observability etc. and overcomes their shortcomings .
A Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) is connected in series with the power grid . The main function of DVR is to protect sensitive load from the influence of voltage fluctuation , especially voltage sag .
In order to research the structure properties of RLC network over F ( z ), it is necessary to build state equations , and then use them to analyze the controllability ( observability ) with symbolic matrix operation .
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol ( TFTP ) is used in the airborne network , all nodes in the network can communicate with one another .
Under the conditions that the number of the nodes of linear electrical network remains unchanged and a linear , non-independent source , two-terminal network between the nodes I and k of original network is inserted , the effects on the transfer property of the network has been researched into .
The resistance distance r_ij between vertices I and j of a connected ( molecular ) graph G is computed as the effective resistance between nodes I and j in the corresponding electrical network is constructed from G by replacing each edge of G with an unit resistor .
Firstly the paper presented the theory of Multiple Rational Function System ( RFS ) and electrical network theory . It highlights the theory of state equations of RLCM active network .
In the analysis of RLCM active networks , it needs to discuss the block-divided method of cutest matrix of electrical networks containing replacement sources , so the paper does some relevant analysis and research according to the electrical network theory and knowledge of graphical theory .
The Fuzzy Mapping Method of Multi-objectives Optimization for Electric Network Design
Regulatory network of HIPPOCAMPAL-SYSTEMIC arterial blood pressure during epileptic network reestablishment
Physical fundamental of duality in electrical network and dual equivalent network
Research on electric network damping characteristic of linear time invariant systems
Computer Aided Analysis for Linear Time in Variant Direct Current Network
Research on Recurrence Method for Obtaining Time_Domain Sensitivity of Electrical Network
Study on Technologies of Hybrid Passive Optical Network and Electronical Network
Matrix Analysis of Electric Network in the Light of Field Theory
Close the door of ache-the principle of side track of electrical network
Electrical activities of bursting-firing neurons in epileptic network reestablishment of rat hippocampus