
diàn wǎng luò
  • electric network
电网络[diàn wǎng luò]
  1. Matlab应用于大规模电网络的节点分析法

    Application of Matlab to Node Analysis of Large Electric Network

  2. 建立多元有理函数域上RLC电网络状态方程的软件设计

    The Software Design for Founding the State Equation of RLC Electric Network over the Field of the Rational Functions in Multi-parameters

  3. M/M/C排队系统动态过程的电网络模拟原理与实现

    The principle and implementation of electrical ─ network ─ simulation of m / m / c queueing system

  4. 这是基于F(z)上研究电网络所得到的结论。

    It is the conclusion by electrical networks research over F ( z ) .

  5. 域F(z)上RLC电网络结构性质分析的计算机实现

    Analysing Structure Properties of RLC Electrical Network Over F ( z ) with Computer

  6. 在F(z)上研究电网络的结构性质时,常常要用到网络的状态方程。

    In order to study the electrical networks structural property over F ( z ), we often use its state equation .

  7. 本文给出了MHD通道的简化等效电路模型,它和LC合并电路组成一个多回路电网络。

    In this paper , a network model consisted of MHD channel equivalent circuit and LC consolidation circuit is presented .

  8. 目的:观察右侧海马(HPC)微量注射印防己毒素(PTX)诱导HPC癫痫电网络重建过程中HPC-体循环动脉血压调节网络的形成。

    Aim : To investigate the regulatory network of hippocampal-systemic arterial blood pressure during epileptic network reestablishment .

  9. 研究结果表明,尽管实际电网络通常无法做到所有k支路集可测,但对某些多故障,却完全可以唯一地定位。

    The results of theoretical research show that , although it is impossible in general cases that all k-branch sets are testable for practical electrical networks , some multiple-faults can be uniquely located .

  10. 本文提出了通过一个有源电网络伴随有向图的多层顶点撕裂及其对应有向k-超树多项式产生它的有向k树多项式的一般方法。

    A general method is presented for generating the directed k-tree polynomial of the directed graph associated to an active electrical network by means of its multi-level vertex tearing and its corresponding directed k-hypertree polynomial .

  11. 基于电网络理论,编制了一套分析RLC网络拓扑结构的计算机程序。

    Based on the theory of electrical networks , a computer program is compiled for analysis the topology of RLC networks .

  12. 层状含水系统R-C电网络模拟方法

    R-C electric network model of layered aquifer

  13. 本论文中,作者利用多元有理函数矩阵(亦称为F(z)上矩阵)来描述电网络,研究它的结构能控性、能观性等性质,克服了他们的缺点。

    In this paper , author uses rational function matrix in multi-parameters ( also named matrix over F ( z )) to describe electrical networks , studies its structural controllability and observability etc. and overcomes their shortcomings .

  14. 动态电压恢复器DVR(DynamicVoltageRestorer)串联于电网络,用来保护敏感负荷免受电压波动尤其是电压凹陷的影响。

    A Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) is connected in series with the power grid . The main function of DVR is to protect sensitive load from the influence of voltage fluctuation , especially voltage sag .

  15. 在研究多元有理函数域F(z)上RLC电网络的结构性质时,要建立其状态方程和能控(观)性矩阵,就要用到符号矩阵的运算。

    In order to research the structure properties of RLC network over F ( z ), it is necessary to build state equations , and then use them to analyze the controllability ( observability ) with symbolic matrix operation .

  16. 简单文件传输协议(TFTP)应用到航电网络中,可以根据网络需要在各节点之间进行数据传输。

    The Trivial File Transfer Protocol ( TFTP ) is used in the airborne network , all nodes in the network can communicate with one another .

  17. 当线性电网络的节点数保持不变时,若在i、k两节点间插入线性、无独立源二端网络时,研究它对网络传输性能的影响问题。

    Under the conditions that the number of the nodes of linear electrical network remains unchanged and a linear , non-independent source , two-terminal network between the nodes I and k of original network is inserted , the effects on the transfer property of the network has been researched into .

  18. 连通(分子)图G的两个顶点i和j之间的电阻距离为通过用单位电阻来代替G中的每条边而相应构造出的电网络中结点i和j之间的有效电阻。

    The resistance distance r_ij between vertices I and j of a connected ( molecular ) graph G is computed as the effective resistance between nodes I and j in the corresponding electrical network is constructed from G by replacing each edge of G with an unit resistor .

  19. 论文首先介绍了多元有理函数系统(RFS)理论及电网络理论,着重介绍了RLCM有源网络分析的状态方程理论和作者在这方面的研究工作。

    Firstly the paper presented the theory of Multiple Rational Function System ( RFS ) and electrical network theory . It highlights the theory of state equations of RLCM active network .

  20. 在RLCM有源网络分析中,需要探讨具有置换源的电网络的割集矩阵分块方法和状态方程的生成方法,本论文根据电网络理论和图论的知识进行了相关的分析和研究。

    In the analysis of RLCM active networks , it needs to discuss the block-divided method of cutest matrix of electrical networks containing replacement sources , so the paper does some relevant analysis and research according to the electrical network theory and knowledge of graphical theory .

  21. 电网络多目标最优化设计的模糊映射法

    The Fuzzy Mapping Method of Multi-objectives Optimization for Electric Network Design

  22. 癫痫电网络重建过程中的海马-体循环动脉血压调节网络

    Regulatory network of HIPPOCAMPAL-SYSTEMIC arterial blood pressure during epileptic network reestablishment

  23. 电网络中对偶性的物理基础及对偶等效网络

    Physical fundamental of duality in electrical network and dual equivalent network

  24. 线性定常系统电网络阻尼特性研究

    Research on electric network damping characteristic of linear time invariant systems

  25. 线性定常电网络直流稳态的计算机辅助分析

    Computer Aided Analysis for Linear Time in Variant Direct Current Network

  26. 电网络时域响应参数灵敏度递推算法研究

    Research on Recurrence Method for Obtaining Time_Domain Sensitivity of Electrical Network

  27. 无源光网络与电网络复合接入技术研究

    Study on Technologies of Hybrid Passive Optical Network and Electronical Network

  28. 电网络矩阵分析法的场论

    Matrix Analysis of Electric Network in the Light of Field Theory

  29. 关闭疼痛之门-电网络旁路原理

    Close the door of ache-the principle of side track of electrical network

  30. 大鼠海马癫痫电网络重建中爆发式放电神经元的活动

    Electrical activities of bursting-firing neurons in epileptic network reestablishment of rat hippocampus