
  • 网络voltage ratio;TURNS RATIO
  1. 片式ZnO压敏电阻烧端工艺对限制电压比的影响

    Chip Multilayer ZnO Varistors : Effect of Termination Firing Process on Clamping Voltage Ratio

  2. 通过对烧端工艺中不同烧端温度以及保温时间的试验,研究了它们对片式ZnO压敏电阻器限制电压比的影响。

    The effect of temperature for terminal electrode firing and soak time on the clamping voltage ratio was investigated .

  3. 基于ATP的仿真和Matlab的运算表明基于电容器电感器电压比的电抗器匝间短路保护,能够对匝间故障做出快速而正确的判断。

    ATP simulation and MATLAB calculation show that the voltage ratio protection against inter-turn fault of reactor can make correct judgement to this kind of fault quickly .

  4. 本文研究的白光LED不仅突破性地实现了有源区同一有源层直接发出白光,而且其开启电压比一般LED开启电压明显降低。

    The white LED researched in this paper not only can directly emit white light from the same layer in active area , but also has much lower threshold voltage value compared with the traditional LEDs .

  5. 传统的功率因数校正电路由Boost电路构成,这种电路控制复杂,输出电压比输入电压高,难以实现输入和输出之间的电气隔离。

    Conventional PFC topology is constituted by Boost circuit , whose control is complexity , output voltage is higher than input voltage and electrical isolation is difficult to achieve between the input and output .

  6. 发现五种双极传输材料构筑的器件启亮电压比PBD的高,亮度比PBD的低。

    It is found that the devices containing bipolar-transporting materials have lower brightness and higher turn-on voltage than that device containing PBD .

  7. 结果表明:当烧端温度为850℃,保温时间15min时,产品的限制电压比最小。

    The results show that the least clamping voltage ratio can be acquired when firing temperature is 850 ℃ and soak time is 15 min.

  8. 在65%额定转速下,两台样机经整流后的空载输出电压比额定电压分别高2.5V和2.2V;

    The output voltage of unloading after commutating is 2.5V and 2.2V higher than the rating voltage ;

  9. 测试结果表明该结构的工作电压比传统NAND结构的存储器单元降低了4V.采用该结构能够实现高速、低功耗和高可靠性的半导体闪速存储器。

    Experimental results show that the operation voltage can be as much as 4V less than that of conventional full F-N tunneling NAND memory cells . Memory cells with the proposed structure can achieve higher speed , lower voltage , and higher reliability .

  10. 由于驱动双稳态胆甾相液晶显示所需的典型峰&峰电压比STN-LCD的高2~3倍,因此,其瞬态电流可能非常大,以致会损坏大多数半导体驱动器。

    Since the typical peak to peak voltage needed to drive the bistable cholesteric display is two to three times higher than that for super twist nematic ( STN ) displays , the transient current can be excessively large and detrimental to most semiconductor divers .

  11. 一种测量曲折形联结绕组的变压器电压比的方法

    A Method for Measuring Transformer Voltage Ratio of Zigzag Connection Windings

  12. 构造应力带中,电压比四周高,离子迁移快,它们与围岩的化学反应强烈。

    Voltage in a tectonic belt is higher than its surroundings .

  13. 用电压比试验结果查找变压器接线错误

    Finding out Transformer Connection Error by Voltage Transformation Ratio Data

  14. 讨论了电流电压比的概念。

    A concept about ratio of current and voltage is also discussed .

  15. 变压器电压比试验技术探讨

    On Technology to Test the Voltage Ratio of Transformers

  16. 电抗器匝间故障时,电容器与电抗器电压比将发生变化;

    The voltage ratio of the capacitor and reactor will change when the fault occurs .

  17. 磁场环境下起始放电电压比无磁场时低;

    The value of inception voltage is smaller under magnetic field than that of non-magnetic field .

  18. 在污秽条件下,光滑导线的电晕起始电压比干净时的电晕起始电压下降28.63%。

    In foul conditions , onset voltage of conductor is 28.63 % less than that in clean conditions .

  19. 分析了复合型等电压比全桥单元级联型变换器,总结出一般的设计方法。

    The authors analyze the hybrid full-bridge cascaded inverter with equal voltage ratio and give a generalized modulation method .

  20. 检测进气量多半采用电压比法,也有的采用电压值法。

    In testing values of admission , the method of voltage ratio , and also the method of magnitude of voltage .

  21. 试验表明:采用电压比测量法进行磁场测量,其准确度可以达到0.5%以上。

    The experiment reveals that the magnetic field measurement accuracy measured with the voltage proportional measurement method can reach up to 0.5 % .

  22. 结合电气化铁路供电系统的特殊性,提出并补装置串联电抗器的基于容抗电压比的新匝间短路保护。

    Together with the particularity of power traction system in electrified railway , a new protection against inter-turn fault based on the voltage ratio is proposed .

  23. 并从理论上研究了三相非同期合闸过电压比同期合闸时高的原因。

    The reason why the overvoltage caused by non-simultaneous closing of the three phases is higher than that in the case of simultaneous closing is also explained theoretically .

  24. 我们通过每个这样的电极都可以设计一种测量方法,我们设计电压比时间,这一信号源于电极的一端,对吧?

    Each one of those electrodes allows us to measure , we plot voltage verses time ,? this signal coming from the tip of that electrode . Ok ?

  25. 通过理论分析表明,在其他几何参数一致的情况下,方形下电极单极板微镜结构的驱动电压比1/4圆形下电极单极板微镜结构的驱动电压小。

    The result is that the drive voltage of quadrate single-electrodes structure is lower than that of quarter circular single-electrode structure on the condition of same other geometry parameters .

  26. 文章中首先分析了逆变器的拓扑结构以及在直流端电压比不同的情况下的输出电平数。

    First , the topology of the inverter and different output voltage level numbers in the situation of different voltage value ratio of two DC power supplies are analyzed .

  27. 其中电压比测量法不需恒流源电路,可以有效地减小环境温度变化所引起的磁场测量误差。

    The constant current source circuit is not necessary for the voltage proportional measurement method and the measurement error caused by the variety of environmental temperature can be reduced effectively .

  28. 因此,采用复合型等电压比全桥单元级联型变换器可节省大量的开关器件和独立的电压源,从而简化了电路,降低了成本。

    Thus , the usage of full-bridge cascaded converter with equal voltage ratio can save a number of switching devices and separated powers , simplify the circuit and cut down the cost .

  29. 通常它具有比单个透镜元素强得多的聚焦能力(在相同的电压比下)。这种周期场透镜曾用于静电加速器离子源初聚系统中,但它的成象特性尚未有详细的分析。

    In this paper the transport of charged particle beams in nonlinear periodic fields is stu - Generally , it possesses much stronger focusing ability than a single lens element under the same voltage ratio .

  30. 其中不同电压比的混合拓扑结构还可以在相同直流电压源的情况下,增加输出电压电平数量。

    Especially , the topology which has different voltage ratios can synthesize a large number of voltage levels with the same number of series-connected inverters and , consequently , reduce the THD of the output voltage .