
jūn fǎ shěn pàn
  • court-martial
  1. 将军对是否将这人交军法审判还犹豫不决。

    The general is hesitant to court-martial the man .

  2. 上校威胁要对他进行军法审判。

    The Colonel threatened to court-martial him .

  3. 他因擅离职守受到了军法审判。

    He was court-martialled for desertion .

  4. 我受到军法审判,被判处6个月的军事监禁。

    I was court-martialled and sentenced to six months in a military prison .

  5. 她可能因违抗指挥官而受到军法审判。

    She is likely to be court-martialled for disobeying her commanding officer .

  6. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。

    He faced a court martial for disobeying orders .

  7. 在塔利亚门托河上一座木桥的一头,宪兵见军官便抓,对他们进行战地军法审判,就在河边处决。

    At the end of a long wooden bridge across the Tagliamento military carabiniere were seizing all officers , giving them drumhead trials , and executing them by the river bank .

  8. 回到都柏林时,我在不在场的情况下受到军法审判,并被缺席判处死刑。我于是说,他们可以在我不在场的时候执行枪决。

    When I came back to Dublin , I was court-martialed in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence , so I said they could shoot me in my absence .