
  • 网络Espresso;Espresso machine
  1. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)宣布,本月将在其上千家店里安装意式浓缩咖啡机(espressomachines)。

    Tim Hortons , home of the double-double , has announced it will install espresso machines in a thousand of its locations this month .

  2. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)是加拿大最大的快餐连锁,在加拿大有约3000家店,计划到今年12月中旬在其中的2500家店中安装意式浓缩咖啡机。

    Tim 's , the country 's biggest fast-food chain , expects to have espresso machines in2,500 of its3,000 locations by mid-December .

  3. 这台特制的意式浓缩咖啡机叫做ISSpresso,在ASI的帮助下,由位于都灵的设计和软件公司亚果科技(Argotec)和意大利咖啡生产商Lavazza制作。

    A special espresso maker , named ISSpresso , was designed for the task by Argotec , an engineering and software firm based in Turin , and the Italian coffee producer Lavazza , with help from the space agency .