
  • 网络rhodes college;Rhodes House
  1. 上世纪中期,佩吉舒斯特和牧师亨利弗洛因德曾是一对校园恋人。弗洛因德说,在孟菲斯的罗德学院读书时,他俩经常约会,上课也总是坐在一起。

    Peggy Schuster and the Rev . Henry Freund were college sweethearts in the early 1950s . Freund said the couple often sat together in class at Rhodes College in Memphis and frequently dated .

  2. 她是罗德岛学院英语教授兼创作班主任。

    She is a professor of English at Rhode Island College , where she directs the Creative Writing program .

  3. 从罗德岛设计学院(RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign)毕业后,我在洛杉矶一家小型工业设计公司找到了工作。

    When I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design , I got a job at a small industrial design firm in LA .

  4. 硅谷著名的风险投资公司KPCB(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)于去年邀请罗德岛设计学院前校长约翰·前田(JohnMaeda)与其合作,此举引起人们的广泛关注。

    The well-regarded Silicon Valley venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers raised eyebrows last year by bringing in John Maeda , the former president of the Rhode Island School of Design , as a partner .

  5. 同样,经营家庭共享服务的Airbnb公司以系统的思维和简洁的用户界面而广受好评,获得了价值100亿美元的市场价值评估(该公司两位创始人均毕业于罗德岛设计学院)。而智能设计是其成功的内在原因。

    Similarly , the home-sharing firm Airbnb 's systematic thinking and simple user interface have made it immensely popular - and earned it a $ 10 billion valuation . ( Two of its founders are RISD graduates . ) Smart design is intrinsic to its success .

  6. 罗德岛设计学院那些有艺术家气质之学生可以放下画笔,选修“罪之艺术和艺术之罪”这门课。该课程对罪孽和艺术世界之关系进行思考。

    Those artsy types at the Rhode Island School of Design can put down their paintbrushes and take " The Art of Sin and the Sin of Art ", which contemplates the relationship between sin and the art world .