
  • 网络The Baxter;Bakst
  1. 巴克斯特解释了新闻稿的内容。

    Baxter paraphrased the contents of the press release

  2. 巴克斯特开车回家吃午饭的路上,心里一直憋着一团火。

    Baxter smouldered as he drove home for lunch

  3. 这个问题已经没人再谈论了,巴克斯特。

    It 's a dead issue , Baxter

  4. 巴克斯特解释了新闻稿的内容

    Baxter paraphrased the contents of the press release .

  5. HOMK(M,N),是左右量子扬巴克斯特模;

    HOM k ( M , N ) is a left-right quantum Yang-Baxter modules ;

  6. 约翰巴克斯特(johnbaxter)在香港经营着一家岗前考察企业,现在居住在澳大利亚西部城市珀斯。

    John Baxter , who runs a pre-employment screening business in Hong Kong , now lives in Perth , Western Australia .

  7. 在丈夫路易斯(Louis)的帮助下,巴克斯特产生了这样一种联想:将震颤和冷冻结合起来使用可能会消除打针时的疼痛感。

    With help from her husband Louis , she made the connection : Combining vibration and cold might be enough to ease the pain of a shot . '

  8. Baxter分别于1967年与1972年创建了量子杨-巴克斯特方程以来,量子可积模型方面的研究取得了很大进展,特别是V.G。

    Baxter separately established Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation in 1960s , the investigations on quantum integrable models have been greatly promoted .

  9. 得到了一个SU(4)群的10维辫群表示.并在此基础上,找到杨&巴克斯特方程的一个含空间的解。

    A braid group representation associated with the 10 - dimensional representation of SU ( 4 ) is obtained and a spectral - dependent solution of Yang - Baxter equation is found .

  10. 内科医生、疼痛研究者艾米•巴克斯特(AmyBaxter)多年来都在寻找使用冷冻来缓解儿童疫苗接种疼痛感的方法。

    For years , Amy Baxter , a physician and pain researcher , looked for ways to use cold to relieve children 's pain from vaccination shots .

  11. 巴克斯特先将振动按摩器和一包冷冻青豆在她7岁儿子马克斯(Max)的手臂上进行试用,然后她将神经病学家专用的小金属轮在儿子的皮肤上滚动以检测灵敏度。

    She applied a vibrating massager and a bag of frozen peas to the arm of her 7-year-old son Max , then rolled over his skin a small metal wheel used by neurologists to test sensitivity .

  12. 哥伦比亚大学商学院二年级学生唐巴克斯特(donbaxter)表示,他在咨询行业的就业前景似乎并不暗淡。

    Don Baxter , a second-year student at Columbia Business School , said his job prospects in the consulting industry did not appear to have dampened .

  13. 三星美国公司总裁蒂姆•巴克斯特(TimBaxter)曾在上月致客户的一则视频中信誓旦旦地说:请知悉,配备新电池的Note7是安全的。

    To be clear , the Note 7 with the newbattery is safe . The battery cell issue is resolved , TimBaxter , the company 's US president , pledged in a video to customers last month .

  14. 但杂志编辑詹姆斯巴克斯特(jamesbaxter)表示,“天际已出现了乌云”,在经历了10年的利润增长后,多数律师事务所预计今年利润将出现下滑。

    But editor James Baxter said " dark clouds are on the horizon " , with most law firms expecting to show a drop in profits this year for after ten years of growth .

  15. 而yangian理论是量子杨-巴克斯特方程理论的重要的发展和分支之一。

    The theory of Yangian is one important development of the theory of the quantumyang-baxter equation .

  16. 亚特兰大MMJ实验室首席执行长巴克斯特医生说,目前,有500家医院都在使用Buzzy以消除患者在注射和输液时的疼痛感。

    Buzzy is now being used in 500 hospitals to ease patients ' pain from injections and infusions , says Dr. Baxter , chief executive of MMJ Labs , Atlanta .

  17. 来自奥勒冈州波特兰刘易斯克拉克学院的莱斯利?巴克斯特(LeslieBaxter)与密苏里市蒙大拿大学教授威廉?威尔莫特(WilliamWilmot)联合进行了一项研究,他们访问了90名大学生,旨在了解他们与异性的关系。

    In a classic study led by Leslie Baxter at Lewis and Clark College in Portland , Oregon , and William Wilmot at the University of Montana , Missoula , a team of researchers interviewed 90 undergraduate students about their relationships with people of the opposite sex .

  18. 近期,杨&巴克斯特方程及其相关理论在量子物理的应用方面有很大进展,本文主要介绍其在Berry相位、热纠缠、纠缠猝死等方面的应用。首先,Yang-Baxter系统在Berry相方面的应用。

    Recently , Yang-Baxter Equation and its theories have made great progress in the applications of quantum physics . In this paper , we mainly introduce its applications of the thermal entanglement , the ESD and the Berry phase . Firstly , Yang-Baxter system is applied to the Berry phase .

  19. 我去请巴克斯特夫人,公仆说。

    " I 'll fetch Mrs. Baxter " said the maid .

  20. 那个汤米林恩巴克斯特,她做过大量的撑杆跳吗?

    That Tammy Lynn baxter , she do much pole vaulting ?

  21. 我想他肯定是求助巴克斯特了。

    I 'm certain he has taken refuge with the baxters .

  22. 如果有麻烦了,巴克斯特会通知我们。

    If there was trouble , Baxter would let us know .

  23. 巴克斯特:抵押贷款的利息率是多少?

    B : What 's the interest rate on mortgage loans ?

  24. 我在清理挪亚巴克斯特的一些旧文件。

    I was cleaning out some of Noah Baxter 's old papers .

  25. 直到巴克斯特离开桑。米吉尔奔向边境。

    Only until Baxter leaves San Miguel and heads for the frontier .

  26. 巴克斯特医生在凌晨疲惫之时的顿悟并非侥幸。

    Dr. Baxter 's groggy , wee-hour epiphany wasn 't a fluke .

  27. 巴克斯特夫妇今晚恐怕不能来了。

    The Baxters couldn 't make it this evening , I 'm afraid .

  28. “我们把巴克斯特抓来了,”詹金逊兴奋地说。

    " Here we have baxter ," exclaimed jenkinson .

  29. 史蒂文•巴克斯特在英国新闻网站《新政治家》发表文章赞同这一观点。

    Steven Baxter , writing on the UK-based news website New Statesman , agrees .

  30. 这样你雇了基弗和那个男人巴克斯特来帮你吗?

    And you hired Keefer , and this man Baxter , to help you ?